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I just got home and i have probably never been so pissed in my life.
What the HELL was that?
he thinks its okay to kiss me and ask me out on a date and then snuggle up with jasmine literally in front of my very own eyeballs?
hell no
well thank god i got away from him before i started liking him.
i sit down with an apple in hand and click on the TV.
right at that point my phone rings.
i expect it to be justin but NOT to my surprise its not.
"hey ari" i almost sigh and turn the tv on mute.
"oh someones happy to hear from me" she laughs and i feel bad.
"im sorry. im not trying to be this way to you im just annoyed"
"well whats going on?"
i told her the whole story and i am way sadder than i thought i was.
which is weird.
because i dont like him.
at all.
"oh im sorry sel. hes an asshole who needs him"
"yeah. not me."
"well how about i come over tonight and we can have a movie night and hang?"
"yeah sure"
"okay well ill be over around 7"
i look at the clock and its 5:36
"okay cool love you"
"love u too girl. always"
we hang up and i slump far into the couch.
it wasnt until now that i realized my parents arent home?
i wonder where they could be.
i text my mom asking where they headed off to and suddenly my phone starts ringing again.
my heart skips a beat.
i debate wether i should answer or not and finally decide i should.
"hey selena where are you?"
"im at home why do u care?"
"well i never noticed you leave the theater. why did you go?"
"of course you didnt. well i dont know if this occurred to you. but just maybe i didnt wanna watch you snuggling up to that girl 20 minutes after asking me on a date and kissing me."
"oh come on selena that was hardly snuggling. you are overreacting."
i know.
that he did NOT.
just mock me.
what the hell.
"you know what justin i dont care. you can go have fun with her and do whatever you fucking want. i dont care. just leave me alone. we can just go back to me being invisible again i dont care at all. good bye"
"no wait. stop"
"im sorry im not trying to be rude. i didnt mean to be that close to her i just honestly didnt notice."
"okay whatever i dont care."
"yes you do."
"No i do not"
"but you do because you left."
"i dont have time for your games justin. i gotta go."
"i am not playing games. let me take you on a date tonight"
"come on selena stop. ill pick you up at 8"
"sorry i have plans"
i found the courage to hang up and i actually feel good about it.
if he thinks im gonna sit here and let him use and play with me.
im not.
i decided i would take a nap before ariana got here so i closed my eyes and before i even knew it there was already a knock on the door.
i looked at the clock and if was only 6:45.
she was early.
i swing the door open and practically yell "ready for movie niii-"
i look and realize its not ariana.
its justin.
with a big grin on his face and a dozen roses in his hands.
this is odd.
"oh hi"
"hello selena"
he walks in and i close the door.
"what do you want?"
"isnt it clear?"
he hands me the flowers and grins.
"i want to take you on a date."
"too bad. like i said i have plans"
another knock on the door
"and there she is."
i open the door and ariana runs in and hugs me.
"im so sorry about that asshole justin selena"
i open my eyes wide and cough.
she looks up and her eyes land on justin.
"oh..... hello"
"whats he doing here?" she says in what is HARDLY a whisper.
"he wants to take me on a date"
she looks at the roses in my hands and smirks.
"well then go"
"but movie night?"
"oh who cares just go. ill hold down the fort"
she puts her bag down and sits on the couch.
i look at her and she winks at me and i then change my attention to justin who has a similar smirk on my face.
"um okay. be right back"
i go with a black off the shoulders dress and let my hair out of the bun and let the loose curls fall down my shoulders.
i decide to go with no makeup.
since he is downstairs already.
i get to the bottom.
"alright im ready"
i say my goodbyes to ariana and get in justin's car.
"you're gorgeous"
"thank you."
we drive to a random resturant i have never been to with some french name.
"here we are"
he gets out and opens my door.
what a gentleman.
he then interlocks our fingers and we walk in the door.
we are seated and he is sitting staring at me.
this dude has serious staring problems.
"you are so beautiful i swear."
i blush and look down.
he really makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the world.
we get our meals and while we are eating deserts he finally speaks up after what seems like forever.
"selena i just want you to know i like you a lot. i think you are so beautiful and i promise i only have eyes for you. you deserve the world and i wanna give it you. i know you probably think that its way too soon but i think we should give us a try?"

I know that it probably seems like im moving really fast with him because its been like 2 days but i just cant resist him and i mine as well see where this goes.

" thank you justin. your so sweet always. i would love to be your girlfriend."
i smile as wide as possible.
he leans and kisses me and i can feel the smile on his face through it.
after he pays, of course, he drops me off and we kiss once more.
i go inside and ariana is passed out on the couch.
i go up to my room and fall fast asleep with a big smile on my face.

tonight was so fun and magical.
selena really is a special girl.
she is completely flawless.
i wish i wouldve noticed her before this god damn bet.
fuck this bet.
i dont wanna go thru with it but i cant back down.
ill have to figure something out.
no way im shaving my head.
as if right on cue i get a text from harry himself.
harry- you went on a date with selena tonight?
justin- yes why?
harry- just curious. so are you guys going steady?
justin- yeah
harry- hmm u got feelings for this girl?
justin- fuck no. come one man you know me. its all part of the plan.
harry- ohh you aint backing out?
justin- never. you are gonna be wishing you never made this bet with me. im going to destroy this girls heart.
harry- thats what i like to hear. ill see you tomorrow man
justin- ight peace
oh shit what do i do now?


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