Murder in the Dark 9

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I'm really sorry this took so long, but this time I actually have an excuse. I broke my finger 6 and a half weeks ago and it really caused me lots of problems. It was a bad break, and I'm still wearing a splint on it :( But now it's summer, and I should be able to update a lot more often. I tried making this update longer than normal, so I hope you enjoy it!

Sam hopped into the driver's seat and pulled out of my driveway. I fiddled around with my seatbelt, shy all of a sudden. Me being shy was like a fish being out of water. It wasn't ordinary in the least, and it kind of scared me. I kept telling myself that it was all nerves, nothing more.

"Don't worry, you'll have fun," Sam smiled at me.

"How do you know?"

"I'll make sure of it."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the smile that inched its way onto my face. All shyness or what I called nerves, evaporated, and both Sam and I went back to our normal selves, chatting about absolutely random things. My favorite topic of the car ride was Tasmanian devils. Sam believed that they were just cute animals, and that they couldn't be that dangerous when they looked like cuddly teddy bears. I on the other hand believed that the adorable little creatures could pack quite a punch. Not that I ever have seen a Tasmanian devil before, but look at the Powder Puff girls. They're cute, innocent little girls, but boy can they kick some monkey butt. Sam didn't like that example though. Idiot.

It felt like only minutes had passed by when we pulled up at the school. Once again, Sam grabbed most of my things, and he still managed to get the door.

"After you."

I snorted at Sam's attempt at being a gentleman. "You know I can carry my own stuff," I muttered.

"I know. Your point?" Sam asked, his eyes boring into mine.

I shook my head, not knowing what to say. With one last incredulous look, I walked past him and into the school, looking at the floor in embarrassment. I, Jess Wesley, was being pampered like a prissy little twit. I wondered if the world was coming to an end, or maybe pigs just decided that they were going to start flying. Whatever the case, I was quickly becoming very unhappy.

My spirits began to lift when I saw multiple tables with rather delicious looking food on them. Instinctively, I began to eye the food, hungrily.

Apparently, Sam noticed the gleam in my eyes and chuckled. "Let's put your stuff away first!" he laughed.

My cheeks began to heat up in a blush, which only angered me further. I charged forward so that Sam wouldn't be able to see it. The band room was the designated sleeping area for the girls. The faculty wasn't completely stupid; they knew that boys plus girls plus one room equals a whole shipload of naughty stuff that can't be stopped. Even with the separate rooms though, I still doubted that anyone would be doing any sleeping. All nighters are much more fun.

When we arrived at the band room, I silently grabbed my things from Sam and found a place to put them off in a forlorn corner, making sure that they were spread out, so that I would have lots of space at night. After everything was situated, I returned to where Sam was waiting for me, an amused look on his face.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

"Would you kill me if I said you?" Sam replied.


"Nothing is funny, what are you talking about?" Sam stated, a smirk just visible on his mouth.

I punched Sam's arm, just hard enough so that it would hurt.

"Hey! What was that for?" Sam exclaimed, mock hurt written all over his face.

"You know what," I growled.

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