Into Minds (Chap 18)

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So, I don't necessarily like doing this but some people asked me if I could add a cast to the book, so I will, even though I think it steals away from the imagining process. But I'll choose people who I think would most closely resemble the characters I created in my head...though I know they wont be perfect matches. So should I do it one at a time or all at once? (Input needed)

So the song for this chapter is "Guts Over Fear" by Eminem ft Sia. So here goes...


Max's POV (Max is seen in the media section)

It hurt.

Everywhere hurt.

The pain transcended the bounds of a physical pain and journeyed into the uncharted territories of an emotional intrusion. A mental breakdown of walls that were made to protect the free will of a person, of any person...normal or...not so normal. Max felt invaded, exposed, he felt violated as if he was a docile, an inanimate marionette just sitting-or in this case, lying down-and waiting for his puppet-master to come and commence the repulsive pulling of his strings. His mind was a bowl of oatmeal, soggy and congealed, unwanted and misused, two scoops taken out and then thrown away.

He looked down at his arm, wrapped from fingers to shoulder in a bandage; free movement was rapidly developing in his arms-his eye had healed perfectly now-perks of being what he was.

It was shaking. His arm was shaking. His body was shaking. He was shaking. His body reverberating with minute tremors. That's when he realized...he was angry. So much so that he was inadvertently fuming. He willed himself to get out of the bed-they hadn't decided to strap him to the bed. Maybe they thought that the bloody demon they had do that to him would have dissuaded him to do anything too drastic. His hands were free, that meant he was free.

He was free while Jade was trapped. He had to do something at least, to try to find her.

He planted his feet on the ground and started towards the door and that was when the door's handle began turning. He placed himself back on the bed in record time, turned his head. He was not-so-surprised to see a white-coat step in, he didn't like them, they were worse than the guards...all haughty and despicable-always feigning innocence and a genuine care for people...oh how he despised them.

The white-coat stepped in, smile plastered on his face, and a glance at the door revealed that Muscle Face framed the doorway, his face looking freshly worked out.

"Maximus," he said...Max particularly loathed people who called out his first name...especially those in white coats that accentuated every syllable as if it was ritual that required the soothing caress of soft words and clear enunciation. "I see we were forced to incur one of the CORE's fine punishments on you. Max, I assure you it wasn't pleasurable to do that to you but you have to see that we are not the villains here. We are only trying to examine for the greater good"

Max smirked against himself. "Do all you white-coats get the same cue card to read off of? Because I'm getting rather tired of hearing you sell this pitch to me. Could you try something that's a tad more interesting, preferably one that includes flying monkeys? That'd be something I'd contemplate on buying." His expression grew grave. "Not this load of rubbish."

"I know you don't want to believe us, but we do..." Max zoned him out, focusing on the growing proximity of the white-coat as he walked closer. The minute he was in arm's reach, Max snatched out threw himself into the man's mind. The experience left him with a strange feeling of vertigo as if he was on a Ferris wheel spinning at high speed on a continuous loop-he forced himself to ignore it. He was surmounted in the man's mind, it was like a program, he could create what he wanted, change what he didn't like, he didn't understand anything about it, other than the fact that he could've done this since he was a child.

You're special. My special boy. A painful voice seemed to say he silenced it.

He wasn't. He was strange and dangerous, but he'd be dangerous for all his life if it meant Jade would be safe.

He pictured a ginormous tree, and the white coat strapped with leather belts in a hammock under it. He visualized bees, hundreds, thousands of bees coming from the tree, rocketing towards the hammock. He imagined them swarming him, piercing his skin with their sharp stingers.

When he departed from the white-coat's mind, the man was on the floor screaming and hitting his body; flailing, in virtual pain. Muscle face was also hurtling towards him, and before Max's motor reflexes could act, he was punched with tremendous force and sent falling to the floor alongside the white-coat. A kick rocked his ribcage, the crack resounded through his body. He grabbed Muscle Face's ankle and was instantly transporting in his mind.

He had to be quick. He felt Muscle Face fighting against his hold. He put him in restraints, imagining him tied to a steel pole in the middle of the desert, alone. He forced Muscle face to slowly dwindle in size from six to five, to four, to three feet, cutting him to half his size. He willed the skies to grey, sun to be replaced by stormy clouds. He created a rumbling thunder, then rain that fell like acid and then barbed flashes of light. Sharp electric tendrils...lightning. He focused and directed all the tendrils toward the pole, coming down speedily, looking like a beacon of light exposed to the heavens. He pictured him electrocuted, in series of painful spasms. Silent screams, the ones that no one can hear but they scrape the throat dry.

He hopped out of Muscle Face's mind and scurried towards the door.

Strange...the corridor was empty.

He didn't know where to go, but something in him told him to go straight. It beckoned him, like a kid to a candy store that would end up getting cavities, a moth to a flame that would fly too close and get burnt.

He didn't think about what he was leaving behind in that room. Or the repercussions he'd face for what he had done. He had one person on his mind. A blond haired, green-eyed person. Jade.

He was coming. She best be ready.


So do you think he'll end up meeting Jade? What about the control he seems to have over his powers unlike Jade?

Dont forget to vote and comment, or I'll tell Max. He'll be angry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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