Razing Miniature Sun (Chap-12)

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Hey! I'm doing the song thingy, I've chosen 'Who We Are' by Imagine Dragons which was recommended by kimoyaDotcom, yay kimmy!!! (can I call u kimmy-too bad, I just did)...erm...on to the chapter, I guess.


If you were thinking and thoughts were not materializing in your mind, were you actually thinking? If one statement, one piece of information that should've been blatant could drive you to silence, were you compos mentis? If one man who was in great proximity to you irked you just with his presence, were you going to murder him? I guess only time could answer my questions.

"You did not know of this Mark, Miss Hawthorne?" He stared at me pointedly, his voice foretelling he didn't believe it "That seems highly unlikely since your friend Mr. Lockwood bears it. You have also seen it on all other patients here, and on keen analysis of your transcripts, we know you aren't a dull one. So you must have thought something, figured some vestige of information out. But why do you not wear a Mark when you are obviously also what they are?"

But what was I really? Other than a hollowed out shell of a girl that is? Other than a girl who wanted her mother, a girl who wanted her best friend, a girl who did not like being immured in a box like a gerbil, afraid of rapping on the walls in belief that a master would chide and scold and dole out deserved punishment. A girl that would now, she believed, be running this stupid interrogation. They were right, he was right. Jade Hawthorne is not a dull one, she is a bright one, one that can light and burn, but when she sees fit. I think that time is encroaching.

"What am I then?"

He smiled, or something that could be considered one, a gnarled one and I had the unholy impulse to char his face. "You are one of many with a peculiar case of ameliorated genes. You are able to do things the conventional human being would dream of being adept to do. You individuals with this have what in rudimental terms we call ADNA, an ameliorated DNA, an advanced set of bodily systems that are wholly beneficial to you. You're immune system is..." his mouth curled into something sinister, a shark lingering beneath the surface of an enticing loch of water "somewhat invincible. As you can tell that is why you have never gotten ill. You are the answer to all questions of ailments, to diseases that confound and drive scientists to the edge of insanity; you are the answer to life. But" he moved a bit closer to me; I could smell the stench of this building on him from how close he stayed "you are also the answer to death, to a constant plague to the world. Do you know the common phrase 'With great power comes great responsibility'?"

He didn't wait for my reply; that piece of-

"You and others like you have great power, so consequently your great responsibility will follow, and that responsibility is sacrifice. You are unlike other humans, so why should you associate with people not like yourself? Have you ever seen a human being in cohorts with a chimp, in other than a pet to owner relationship? I bet you haven't, the owner is of higher intellect, knows that they are the dominant; they control and regulate what the pet does, eats and can choose even when the pet deserves to be put down. That is what you are; you have power, dominion, over the predominance of society, so to let you roam free would be a folly of the government. You could rule with omnipotence, striking down all in your way. This is what the CORE is set out for, to protect society, to save people and in doing that we also have to stop you. You have the ability to cause immeasurable trouble; you are in almost every aspect uncontainable. You are a Renegade."

But what would I use to wreak havoc on the world? My tolerance of fire, of not being able to burn? Oh please. These people only wanted subjugates, people they could control. People they could stick and prick, test and shove into a million machines of choice when they found it of import. They took a person's family, their friends and held them as a ground for controlling. They took a mother- A Ruby-, a friend-A Max- and they let that person-A Jade-not see her loves. They took it all away, and for what? A lousy experiment, a fatuous reason? I tendril of sharp pain-a searing yet tranquilizing heat-lanced through my arms and down to my fingers and I realized I was still holding the lighter in my fingers. I could feel the gas in the tube bubbling, it was insanely hot, the bubbles pressed against my hands caressingly, readying me for what I was sure was going to happen. With the amount of pressure that was being detained-it exploded.

The doctor's eyes became twice as large; like a character from a poorly drawn anime. His mouth was semi-open but no one words succeeded.

Shards were left in my palm, jagged pieces of plastic in my pale skin. My palm now had blood, splinters and a running line of fire. However I surpassed the stage of thorough surprise, or I don't know if I did. Scenes flashed past my eyes, a blur, everything merging into one another. I willed the line of fire into my hand to make a ball, the strength it took to do that was astronomical. The line slowly turned and trudged like a snake eating its tail, coalescing into a trifling ball of fire. It didn't look like much, but I'd done an impossibility. My head hurt and my arms ached but I concentrated, I thought of the ball levitating. It didn't move. The doctor was ambling towards me somewhere in my periphery; his face was a mask of amazement, it appeared so different now, wearing emotions rather than his accustomed apathy. His proximity seemed to pique something in me, the ball rose high and bright like a razing miniature sun and I imagined, willed to reality, it hitting true, straight into his heart, and it did.

I saw the dark blot and fringes on his shirt before unconsciousness clutched on to me.


I am soooooo sorry for the late update guys, I dont love any of you guys less <3. I've been so busy with school recently, I just didnt have the time to write...well. What did you think of what Jade did to Dr. Bennett, was it right, was it wrong? And as always, please remember to vote and comment, it helps. I'll be trying to post faster next time. LOVE U!!! ;)

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