Chapter 14 (GLIMPSE)

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This is a glimpse of the next chapter or perhaps this is the next chapter, just a short one, I cant decide. The song I chose for this chapter is "Real as You and Me" by Rihanna. Hope you enjoy.


Sweet unconsciousness didn't last long, my eyes fluttered open and I felt a strain on my body, like I was swimming under water and trying to break the surface but an anvil was tied to my feet. As if from a distance, I realized that the electrodes were still hanging from me. With much more strength that should've been needed, I pulled them off me and with its release came a popping sound; I welcomed it, I would make bigger and worse popping sounds...cracking sounds later...just not me that time.

There was almost no feeling in my legs, but I ignored it; that was if you could ignore something that you couldn't feel. I placed my legs on the ground, and to my surprise, they stayed stationary. I turned, searching for Dr. Bennett so I could inflict some more.

But how would you? An infuriating voice in my mind questioned. I dismissed it.

When I finally found Dr. Bennett, he was lying comatosely on the floor, his white shirt charred and a deep-burnt laceration lay beneath. I could almost feel sorry for him if I hadn't known what kind of man he was, almost. I was trudging toward him on my weak legs that were achieving some amount of feeling each step when the door slowly opened revealing a doll of a girl in its frame.

She was extremely cute, dark blond hair, a small elegant nose; her lips were a cherry pink and her eyes, such a luminous shade of green I believed that flames were hiding behind them, lighting them up from the inside. She was about 11, I guessed, her face hadn't yet lost the roundness of childhood...she reminded me of someone. And then lucidity slapped me in the face, that and an ounce of insanity because that little girl was me. Me.

So when she said to follow her, I had no choice but to oblige.


Looking at the word count, I realized it is a glimpse. lol. I just had to give you guys something, because I believe my absense has been too long. I'm soooooooo sorry, but busyness does not cease to be a hindrance. But, nonetheless, you got a glimpse. How was it? What did you think of that last bit? Lemme know in the comments, love y'all. <3

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