Tickled With Power (Chap-17)

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I'm apologizing from the very depths of my bottomless heart...do I even have a heart? Well, I'm apologizing for not updating sooner, I was super busy: Exams, Topic Papers, Competitions, Debates, Family to name a few. Well, anyway the song I chose for this is 'Fire Starter' by Demi Lovato.


A surge of potent hate embraced me as I looked up at a face I was sure I had seen before, a voice that I was certain I had heard before and a heat signature that was unequivocally novel to me. I saw a kaleidoscope of colors that somewhat resembled a kindergartener's masterpiece-a work of art culminated by a profusion of colors, but these colors represented something, something so clandestine and profound that I knew no human eye could attain it, could think to perceive it...but mine could.

I could decipher that I had seen this man already, I don't know how, but his heat signature sparked something in the back of my mind. Whispering secrets of reminiscence-a scent, a silhouette, a vague intonation, a strange shtick.

An uproar of memories assaulted me with brute force, like a gun-or rather a dart-aimed and fired at you, lodging somewhere on your body, then lulling you into a false sense of security. I remembered: entering a house, thinking that I'd find my mother, that I'd finally be safe in her arms, telling Max not to follow me inside the house out of fear for his wellbeing and him following me—I couldn't see him, but he was there, and I can't explain why...any more than I can explain my strange abilities, but the humor and severity of it was that it turned out...Max was a freak like me. I remembered a red-haired man standing a ways in front of me and then he had put me to sleep, to unconsciousness...to darkness.

I would put that man to light now.

"Look what we have here, a pyro-manic pyrokineticist and a dysfunctional shape-shifter; you two make an unusual pair." The man said, with a pointed look in my direction.

A smirk found itself plastered on my face, my legs finding a foreign strength and rising to a stance. Before I could think to act, a hand clutched mine, unceremoniously, too. I was surprised to see that the man had seized hold of me; I looked down at his hand, a sickening leech that clung to me as if my blood, my skin was what it depended on for a parasitic existence.

I thought of my mother, how it would be if I had gotten to spend my Christmas break with her—drinking Cokes under a denuded Christmas tree, smiling...maybe even a precious laugh-I seldom did that. Max would've been there too, he was going to spend the break with me, I thought about the droll quarrels we would have—that now I wouldn't have. The man's clutched loosened and he withdrew his hand in record time, like a cook whose hand accidentally touched the pot they were brewing in, and that was when I realized that I was not only seething with fury, but literally seething—intensely hot. I grabbed the man's neck and I saw the hair at his nape recede, curling away from the heat that emanated from my very pores—from me.

"S-St-Stop...St...op." He muttered, the words drowned and unintelligible. His hands met mine on his neck and shied back when challenged by the fierce heat of my hand. I saw the skin on his neck turning a sickly tan, and realized too late that the other man—Vincent—had run away. I saw tiny flames flickering on my hand, tickling me with their power. His hair spontaneously combusted—maybe the heat and the chemicals he had in it?

I let him go...his body now frail and he fell on the closet's floor.

I turned around to see little Jade gawking at me—it wasn't a fearful stare, but rather one of amazement. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, the volume of what I had just done hit me like a brick to the head—sudden and painful—I had killed another man.

No time to contemplate on that. I grabbed little Jade and headed for the door, and stopped instantaneously with my turn.

Dr. Carter stood in the doorway, but I was even more galvanized about what came out of her mouth next.

"Jade. Sadie. We have to go now."


Sorry if it was short. I'll be updating again this week. Please Vote and Comment. Love you guys. 

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