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Luke's P.o.V.

Walking into the bar, it's not difficult finding the guys. They're the loudest ones in the place. The bar has an old school look to it, it reminded me of the bar seen in Coyote Ugly (A/N: If you haven't seen the movie, go watch it. Like, ASAP).

I walk over to the table and Michael hands me a beer. Then stands up and toasts, "To kicking ass on another amazing tour!" We all clink our bottles and take a drink. "So Ashton, where are the girls?"

"They should be here, any time," he replies. He seems so happy, I envy him. Same with Calum, he doesn't stop talking about Kirsten. Michael and I are the only ones without girls, and honestly I think I'll be the last man standing, knowing my luck.

"There's my girl," Calum shouts. He sprints towards Kirsten, picks her up and spins her around in his arms. She giggles as they begin to make out. Right in front of us, no doubt. Nasty.

Ashton and Darcy keep it G rated with just a kiss on the cheek, thank god.

And then there's Lilly. Greeting everyone in her bar, serving her happiness to the world one smile at a time. I can still see it; the old Lilly hasn't left, she's still inside this rocker chick now standing before me. "Hey, rock stars. First round's on me."

Everyone at our table cheers, but I intrude and say, "I'll buy my own drink, thanks."

Lilly scoffs, "My bar, my rules. Suck it up, princess." She winks and walks back to the bar. Everyone oohs and shoves me as she walks away.

Michael howls, "Damn, Luke. Look who's the boss, now?" He high fives Ashton as they laugh and drink their beer.

Frustrated, I slam back my beer and storm to the bar. Eyeing the waitress working, I ask for another beer. She hands me one and flirtatiously tells me it's free. I slam this one back and storm out the door. I run my hands through my hair and pace outside.

I let out a frustrated grunt as I continue pacing. How could she do this? Does she even know who she's dealing with? Well, obviously she knows who I am, but that's not the point. I'm the guy who was willing to give this shit up for her. But no, instead we have two amazing albums and tours wrapped up with and every social media site and magazine eyes us as "rock gods". We don't need a label for our music, we're artists, just like everyone other talented band out there. We reach out to our fans with our music. We write for our fans because we can actually relate to them. Saying we're "rock" puts us in a frame, and frankly it pisses me off. I was willing to give all of this up, for this girl who's driving me crazy. And I don't know if it's a good thing, or a bad thing right now.

"Hey, is everything okay?" The voice startles me out of my train of though. I turn around to find out it belongs to Lilly.

I feel the alcohol begin to hit me as I blurt, "Everything's perfect, thanks. Got off another tour, ran into a brand new, confident Lilly, and now I'm getting drunk in her bar. It's fan-fucking-tastic!" Realizing I'm shouting, I whisper, "Great..." As the alcohol kicks in, I stumble to sit on the curb.

Lilly helps me to sitting down and asks, "So I'm the problem here?" She looks at me and places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry if I've been a problem, I honestly don't know how to fix that. You left me to go on tour...".

"Are you kidding me?" I brush her off. "I'm the one who was wanted to stay and be with you! You were the one who told me to get out and go on tour. I wanted so much more with you, Lilly! I still might want more." That's it, I've confessed to her. I don't even know what she'll say to me now.

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