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Another update is here, finally! Hope you folks like it :)


Luke's P.o.V.

That's it, I've fallen for her. Not just a little school girl crush, I've completely fallen in love with Lilly. She's all I think about anymore, from the time I wake up to the moment I drift to sleep. The way her lips can perfectly carve a contagious smile, her laugh even when I say the stupidest things. But my absolute favourite thing that I love is falling asleep next to her.

As I look at the clock, it reads 11:09pm. I watch her chest rise and fall with every breath she takes. Her lips are slightly parted, and her snoring is quite adorable. I'm so use to hearing Michael's loud snoring, along with the other boys. Lilly's snoring is small and short, as opposed to the boisterous noises that come from the other boys.

As soon as I rest my head on her chest, I feel her fingers slowly run through my hair, causing chills to crawl up my spine. She giggles as I shiver from her touch. "Lukey," she groggily whispers, "why are you still awake?"

I look up at her and ask, "Why aren't you sleeping? I didn't mean to wake yo-"

"No, you didn't wake me. I just woke up because I felt your head on my chest. I hate how I'm a light sleeper, anything wakes me up." Her hands are playing with my hair as we continue our conversation. I grab one and hold it in both of my hands. "Let go of my hand, Luke," she playfully chuckles.

"Never," I protest. "I shall call her Squishy and she shall be mine." I stick out my tongue as she laughs at my joke. "But in all seriousness, Lilly, I don't want to let go of you. I know it sounds crazy, and we met just this week, but I feel the chemistry we have between us, and it's given me new life. I always guarded myself because I didn't want anyone to see the real me. I put on this show like I'm some bad ass, when it reality I'm not. I hate pretending to be an asshole to everyone I know, it eats me up. Lilly, you're the kindest girl I've ever met. You have the biggest heart, you're smart, unbelievably gorgeous, and you've changed my life forever. I really like you, and I don't want anyone else to make you feel the way I do about you." I let out a huge breath of relief, I've never told anyone about how I really feel, not even the boys.

Lilly sits up, forcing me to sit up too. Her hand caresses my cheek as she rubs her thumb in circles. She places her forehead against mine, leaving her lips an inch away from mine. "Luke," she whispers before I give in. I pull her in for a kiss and she reciprocates.

Her hands explore my hair as I pull her on top of my lap to sit on me. I place my hand on the small of her back, pressing her closer to me and leaving no space between us.

A moan escapes her lips when I begin kissing the sweet spot on her neck. She reaches to remove my shirt, and soon it's flat on the floor along with hers.

I take off her bra with ease as she begins unbuttoning my pants. The intensity grows as she nibbles on my neck in just the right places.

I lay her on her back and ask, "Do you really want to do this, Lilly?"

Lilly raises her head off the pillow and scoffs. "Luke, you're sexually frustrating me. Yes, I give you full permission to take my virginity away. Okay?" She gives me one more kiss before handing me a condom from her drawer.

I sigh and slide the condom on as I whisper, "Don't worry, babe. You're my first as well." She looks at me shocked, and a moan escapes her mouth as I enter her.

I didn't want to hurt her, so I take it slow. Sliding in and out of her, she claws at my back, making me reach my climax sooner than expected. Luckily, she reaches her climax shortly before I do.

After I slide myself out of her and take the condom off, I pull her into a sweaty cuddle. We're both trying to catch our breath, and Lilly brushes hair off of her face before looking into my eyes. I could get lost looking in them for too long.

The silence is broken when Lilly whispers, "Guess I have some laundry to do, huh."

I look down at the blood and reply, "That might be a good idea to clean up." We both laugh and rip off the bloody sheets, leaving only the blanket to cover us. Eventually fall asleep in each other arms.


Waking up beside Lilly gives me so much reassurance that last night wasn't a dream. That, and the bloody sheets are on the floor.

I roll out of her bed and I feel a light tug on my arm. Through a messy pile of hair, Lilly's smile is beaming. She mumbles, "Lukey, stay cuddling with me. Please?"

"Okay, babe," I plant a kiss on her forehead and pull her into my arms. My heart beats faster with every touch from Lilly stroking her hand up and down my bicep.

I plant a kiss on her lips and she carefully places her hands on my face to deepen the kiss. My heart skips a beat when our lips disconnect. My lips are left cold as she nestles her head into my chest.

Love, sometimes you can never pinpoint when it'll come into your life. Meeting Lilly, that I can say is love at first sight. From head to toe, inside and out, I look at her, and I know she's the only one for me.

Sure, other girls have intrigued me. However, no one has ever stolen my heart like Lilly has and always will.

She doesn't know it yet, but the feelings I have for her are so strong. I'll never let this feeling go, no matter what.

I'm in love with Lilly Grimes, she's everything I'll ever need in my life.


Can I just say for this chapter: woah! So intense, but they did it! Gross, I know. I suck a writing, so judge all you want.

And yes, I made sure to include consent for sex, because that's what people should be doing these days. Better safe than sorry!

Updates aren't coming in as fast as I want them to, mainly because I'm focused on university work. I'll always find time to make updates to upcoming chapters.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic fall!

Love you all! -Em ♥️

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