Chapter 10

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I feel sick… so, so sick! I have a feeling that something could be up. I have woken up the last three mornings with the sudden urge to empty my guts. Jake has become really worried because he thinks I’m going to die. Mel thinks I’m pregnant and for some reason and I actually think she’s right. But I’m way too scared to mention anything to Jake or Cole.

I think that maybe Jake would take it well, but I’m absolutely terrified to tell Cole. I mean obviously he knows it’s going to happen sooner or later, we’ve been engaged for three months but he’d be absolutely livid at Jake for knocking me up. “Addie I think you should go to the doctor today.” Jake said as he watched me brush my teeth to get the disgusting smelly taste out of my mouth.

“I’ll be fine Jake.” I croaked as I crawled back in bed. He pulled me over to him and wrapped his strong protective arms around.

“Do you want me to stay home and look after you?” He asked sweetly.

“No you go to work I’ll be fine.” I mumbled as I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep with worry.

When I woke up a few hours later I was alone in the bed but Jake had tucked me in and left me a cute little note that said ‘I love you’. It made me smile. I yawned and sat up to stretch. I remember when Mel got pregnant with Henry she was so nervous to tell him, but I’m not even sure if I am yet. Before I could pull myself out of bed Mel walked in to the bedroom with a giant bag of pregnancy tests. “Take one!” she ordered. I laughed but took a box out of the bag and did as I was told.

And I swear to you those were the longest three minutes of my life as I waited for the little stick to tell me whether or not I was with child. Mel was more nervous then me, she pacing the room and Henry was being cute and following her. He’s just starting to crawl like a commando, it’s very cute. He thought Mel walking back and forth was a game and kept giggling. “Ah this is so nerve wracking! It’s like watching my little sister find out if she’s pregnant or not!” She cried nervously. I was sitting on the seat of the toilet instinctively holding my stomach. What if I am pregnant?! There isn’t enough room in the house fore two married couples and to kids! Would Cole kick us out? Man I’m getting more nervous by the minute. What do I do?! Mel got to the stick before I did and she gasped dramatically and grinned at me like an idiot. “Oh my God Addison!” she shrieked. I looked at the stick before I came to any conclusions and I was suddenly happy and sad all at the same time.

“Oh my God.” I said quietly, not knowing whether I should be happy that I’m having a baby or scared because I now have to tell my fiancé and my brother that I’m having one!

“How do you feel?” Mel asked me when I looked at her with pleading eyes, how was I meant to break the news. This is all much easier if I’m the one giving the advice, not the one receiving it.

“Shocked, happy, depressed and I don’t know!” I wailed. “What am I supposed to do? What’s Cole gonna say? What if Jake doesn’t want a baby?!” I babbled.

“Addison Marie Baker you listen to me!” Mel came down to my level and grabbed my cheeks so that I was looking her straight in the eye; she had never looked so serious. “Jacob loves you more then anything in the whole entire world, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about, and as for Cole, you let me handle him, okay?” she was very clear and I knew that she was right, Jake had been talking about having kids ever since Mel got pregnant. Another baby in the house would be nice. I nodded my head because I had temporarily lost my voice, I was speechless. “Now you march down stairs and you tell your fiancé and your brother that soon there will be another baby Baker!” she ordered pointing to the door.

I took a deep breath and stood up before wondering what Jake was doing home from work. “Why is Jake home?” I asked as I walked to the door. She was bending over to pick up Henry.

Mel blinked at me, “He called in sick so he could look after you.”

I growled. “I told him not to.” I said irritated.

“Addie, he’s worried about you!” she scolded as we walked through the bedroom and down stairs to see Cole and Jake.

“How’re you feeling baby?” Jake asked when he saw me and Mel coming down the stairs. I was nervous, how do you tell someone that you’re pregnant, this has to bed the hardest thing I’ve ever done!

“A bit better, I uh … have something to tell you.” I said taking a few deep breaths before I sat down on the couch next to him. Cole was looking on curiously and Mel was finding it hard to keep the smile off her face. I gulped and then I said it. “I’m pregnant.” Jake’s  eyes went wide and as soon as I had convinced myself that he was not happy a enormous smile spread across his face and he pulled me in to the biggest hug ever! I smiled back.

I glanced at Cole and he was just staring at Jake and I. I smiled at him and before I knew it he was ….


Sorry couldn’t help it hahaha cliff hanger!

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