Chapter 5

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All Alone

Of course she had to let them go. When she had Walked into the room there was another man just sitting in front of her cage. "Hello Ally" He spoke. Ally just looked at him. Ryan stood in front of my cage locking it, turned and took one look at the man. The man nodded and off Ryan took leaving them all behind.

He had wanted to make a deal. The others freedom for her life. He explained that they would be givin a shot to destroy there memory of this place and what they had been through, Then they would be dropped off back home. Ally had looked at the others tear filled eyes. She had told herself she could do anything if it meant they would get back home with their families. Of course she had wanted to go with them but her life was the cost. She Paid it. Ally was allowed to say good-bye to each of the girls as the injection went into their arm. When it was Lana's turn she was crying "I can't leave you." She'd said. I just took her hand and held it until the medication made her drift off to sleep.

It had been 3 days. I was all alone in the caged room. I had been given my meals and bucket, just like in the past. I wondered when they would take my life. I stayed in the cage just waiting.

Ryan's Point of View........

I couldn't resist peeking in on her. I wasn't suppose to see her until they told me I could. She looked so sad in her cage. It made me think back to the day that I was in my cage. There was no one strong enough in our bunch willing to give up everything for the rest of us. I was 11 the day they took me. It was a life time ago. I ended up being the last one to get sick so i got to stay while the others were disposed of. Man had things changed since my time.

I was given the good news that Ally would get to join me in the crypt. Thats what they called the bedrooms off the right side of the hall. She had been the first to give herself over to us to save the others. She would become one of us. She could be with me. She would find out that there were many of us. Soon she would truly be one of us. To my knowledge she was the only who joined us willingly. She gave up everything to save the others, the rest of us had just stuck around long enough while the others in our groups had died off.

I couldn't help but to be proud of her. I only hoped she would make it through the next two weeks. If she did I could claim her and take care of her.

I looked at her again. She just sank into the corner of the cage. One more day and I could take her out. They wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself from depression. It was the first test. I couldn't explain the desire I held inside for her to come out on top. I couldn't help these feelings that grew inside me. I didn't understand them yet. It hadn't been that long since I set eyes on her. It had been like I had been drawn to her. She wasn't even the original target they had said. She just happened to be wrong place wrong time. Destiny kept popping into my head. Could she be the way this ended for all of us. I couldn't wait for time to tell.

Ally's Point Of View .....

I just sat here waiting. There was nothing else I could do. I felt like I was a part of this cage. I had sunk into the depths of the corner trying to gather the courage to make it through this. I could find a way out of this alive. I was strong enough. I was smart enough. I just hoped I was lucky enough to know when the time was right.

There were times sitting in this cage I felt like I was being watched. At first I would sink further into the cage. Now I'm, we'll I hate to say it but use to it. Out of the corner of my eyes I swear I can barely make out something. It's just past the door frame. I would have sworn it was a person. Who I don't know.

Time was blending too much. I couldn't keep track of how many days had gone by since the others were let go. I had to take it on faith that they were released and not killed. I could only dream of them going back to their families. I only hoped one day I could return to mine.


Days later.,

Ally hadn't gotten any food since the sun rose. Now the sun was coming in the opposite side of the building. From her guesses it was at least five o'clock. Did they forget about her? Was this how she would die? Of starvation?

Ryan walked into the room. Ally almost cried.

Ally's Point of View ...

Oh my god it's Ryan. I never thought I'd be more happy to see him than I am right now. I'm so happy I actually started crying. How pathetic am I? When he gets close the shadow is cast off of his face. He's wearing a smirk. He really is attractive. I don't know how I never noticed it before. My stupid mind is flashing images of princesses and knights in shinning armor, flash across my eyes. I almost thought they had all left me for good. That this was how they had deemed my fate would be. Part of me had hoped I would get to see Ryan again.

Even though he and I had not met under the best of circumstances, I knew he and I had formed a bond. And not the virgin and cherry popper kind. I'll be real. I wasn't in love or even lust. It was. Ore of a understanding. We had both been where I was. He had found a way to survive. And I would too.

He unlocked my cage. He was just looking into my eyes like he understood what I was thinking and feeling. After what felt like the perfect amount of time, he reached for my hand. Hand in hand he lead me to a new doorway. One I hadn't even noticed was there before this moment. As he opened the door he spoke "welcome to the crypt!" .......

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