Chapter 7

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He lead her by the hand. Down the hall they went. Step by step. It was only when she got towards the end that she could make out the light coming from beneath the door. It looked as if it was dancing across the floor. Slowly he turned the handle. With a look that spoke you ready? He threw the door open. All eyes turned to her as she walked thru the door. She had never felt more exposed. She tried to hold her head high. She cracked when she noticed the other twenty something bodies gathered around the tables. Silence fell. She never let go of his hand. If she did she felt like she would lose it. Tonight he had promised to be there every step he could.

Ally's Point of View....

He lead me down the hall. It seemed to go on forever. We could see a door at the end. Light shone from the bottom. It wasn't a steady light. It was as if it was bouncing off a crystal or something. I couldn't explain it. He paused just out side the door. The look he gave. It was meant to steady my nerves. I felt vulnerable. I had never in my mind thought I would ever be eating dinner nude. Let alone have to be in a room full of others. How could this get worse.

I shouldn't have thought that because when he stepped thru the door and I saw what was on the other side I felt like I was going to faint.

Ryan's Point of View......

She took it well. I didn't know how to explain that we're expected to eat naked among others. If you were lucky that's all that would be asked of you. I had a feeling they wouldn't let her have time to get use to this place. She had interested not only me but them as well. That would cause her problems. I didn't know how to warn her about the after dinner show. So I didn't. How could I tell her they would test her more. She had only passed the first test. When I opened the door she looked terrified. She should have been okay. I had warned her what she would walk in on.

Everyone was in awe of her. I could tells by the look on their faces. I only hoped I could keep her safe. I lead her to our table. The plates came around. After dinner the conversations started up ten fold. The room was filled with voices. Ally had remained silent throughout the whole meal. Even now she just glanced around the room. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her head.

Just when it looked like she was going to say something, the lights dimmed. She froze. One of them entered the room and began his speak.

"Welcome. We hope you all enjoyed your meal. We have a new member among us. Her beauty shall be know to all. Her will and grace shall be something you all will have, one day. Let the activities begin." with that he turned and left the room. The lights brightened. Soon they would get up and take a look at the list to see what they had been asked to do. In the meantime I had to explain to a bewildered Ally what had just happened.

Ally's Point of View .......

Who the hell was that. It's like he came out of some horror movie. Dressed in a dark cape. Shadows spread across his face standing there talking to us under a dim spotlight. His features hidden. Gave me the willies.

I turned to see Ryan watching me. He almost looked scared. I got a chill down my spine at the thought of what the activities are. I could only guess that because of what they had put me through already that this would be along the same lines. After all I among twenty others had just eaten dinner along an old medieval table all nude.

She had to admit. She had never been in a room with so many attractive people before. It made her feel like for once someone had recognized something in her. She had never thought she was gorgeous. Pretty maybe but more like your sister or the girl next door type. But looking around her these all looked like they could be supermodels. How did she fit in.

She couldn't help being turned on. I mean if you were nude in a room with guys who looked drop dead gorgeous. And if they had been looking at you the way I caught some of them looking at me you would have been wet too. Ryan began to tell me about this list and how after some meals they were expected to preform. He started explaining some of the ones he had been a part of. It scared me to hell. He also told me about what would happen if I didn't do what they wanted.


Ryan got up from their table and made his way to the list. Ryan slowly ran a finger down the list. He wasn't looking for his name just hers. He was hoping he could help her get comfortable with the situation before them. He found her name. It stood by itself a blank spot was right next to her name. He had never seen that before.

He slowly walked back to sit besides Ally. He was speechless. He would open his mouth and try to say something, anything. Ally looked into his eyes and saw the fear. Her heart sunk.

Ally's Point Of View.

Ryan slowly waked back to me. By his pace I could tell it was bad. He was in no hurry to get back to me and deliver my fate. Finally in what seemed like an eternity he lowered himself onto the bench besides me. He was staring down at the table. It was like he was playing the story he was about to spin in his head. He slowly would open his mouth and go to say something and then close his mouth without a single word spoken.

I finally got him to look at me. There was nothing but fear in his eyes. The doom I felt made my heart drop. What new form of hell was I about to be put into. The bell rang and the lights dimmed. Each body began the journey to the door for which the list told. The last body left the room leaving me and Ryan just sitting there. "Stay here. I have to go." Ryan stood before he turned around he left a peck on my forehead. I could still feel the heat of his lips on my skin when I saw him disappear behind the door.

An Erie quiet settled in the room. After some time sounds could be heard coming from the rooms. I tried to ignore them. My curiosity was killing me. I thinks thats how I got the courage to raise myself from my planted position. I slowly made my way to the closest door. I gently put my ear to the door. The subtle sounds of a drum could be heard along with some muffled noises. Almost a grunt. But different.

I made my way to the next door. This one was so quiet I couldn't hear a thing. There was one of those old fashioned key holes. So I lowered myself down to take a peek. I could make out a form on the ground. It looked to be one of the girls but there was something tied around her. Above her stood two of the guys. One had similar ties, the other was glistening. I don't know if it was from something being poured on him or from something else.

I continued my way around the room. I was only able to hear into the other rooms. Some held whimpers, others were filled with oohs. One was filled with crying. I made my way to the last door. It was the one Ryan had gone through. I had a bad feeling. I ever so gently put my ear up to the door. At first I heard nothing. I waited. Something had to be happening in there. Then I heard a a crash. I jumped. My mind was racing. What could be going on behind that door. Just as I was about to put my ear back against the door, I heard a crack. It was followed by a cry of pain.

I don't know what I was thinking. I grabbed the handle and threw my weight against the door. It swung open. I had expected it to take more that a gentle push which made me loose my balance. I fell to the ground. I could make out the shape of a naked person on the ground in the fetal position. A black cloak which meant one of them was standing over him. It's hood slowly turned to look my way. It turned its attention back to Ryan, who had also turned just enough for me to make out his profile. The cloak gave one last swing of his foot into Ryan's side causing another cry of pain.

I was enraged. I stood up and lunged towards the cloak. It must have seen what I was about to do because he moved just enough for me to miss him and fall on Ryan. "Leave him alone. Hurt me instead." I shouted. The cloak just turned and left the room. Not by the door I came through but by a hidden door towards the back of the room.

Ryan turned to look at me. Tears were falling down his face. "I'm sorry" I began to cry with him.

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