Chapter 6

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The Crypt

The hall way was darker than the other I had previously traveled. There was only one wall sconce. Doors lined both sides of the hall. It seemed to stretch on forever. We must have passed at least twelve doors before Ryan stopped.

" this one is mine." he said turning towards his left.

"Okay" what else did he want me to say, oh cool. Wanna show me around. I don't think so.

"Yours is right here!" he gleamed. Why he was so excited I don't know but he was. It was like he'd just one the grand prize at the stupid ring toss game you'd find at a carnival or fair.

He slowly opened the door. When he stepped in side his left hand slide against the wall feeling for the switch. The lights blinked on. He stepped aside gesturing for me to step around him and enter my new room. My jaw dropped. I was expecting a blank room. White walls white sheets. Clean blank fresh. In essence boing. It was anything but. It almost reminded me of my room back home. The ceiling was a light blue. Almost a robins egg blue. It reminded me of the sky on a sunny summer day. The walls were a light purple. Almost a lilac. Along the bottom half was the white picket fence just like at home. My mom and I had painted it almost five years ago on a rainy weekend.

The bed was simple the complete opposite from the older Victorian era four post bed I had found myself in before. The headboard matched the picket fence style. There was a plush bench at the foot of the bed serving as the foot board. The linens matched the ceilings blue color perfectly. There was an armoire and nightstand. No other furniture was in the room. Fresh cut flowers were in a clear vase on the nightstand. I had expected there to be a lamp, there was none. No windows. No paintings. No pictures. But it was colorful.

Ryan turned to leave. It was my turn to grab him. I reached for his wrist and caught it just in time. I hugged him. "thank you". I said while burying my face in his chest. I released him just as quick. I turned and walked towards the bed and sat facing away from him. I don't know why I hugged him. I was so confused. I felt almost safe around him. The only thing. To this day he's the only one who's hurt me. At least the only face I've seen.

Ryan's Point of View. .....

She grabbed my wrist. I could feel the heat from her skin. I couldn't think. She was hugging me. I could hear her muffle something but her face was smushed against my chest. Before I could even wrap my arms around her to return the hug she pulled away. She sat on the opposite side of the bed facing away from me. She stares at the wall. God she was beautiful.

I don't know how I was going to stay out of trouble with her here so close to me. I wanted nothing more than to just touch her. Be with her. It scared me. I turned and left the room pulling the door closed as I walked thru it. I went to my room. Throwing myself on my bed I stared at the ceiling. I needed to get a hold of myself. I couldn't show my feelings. I would be punished for having them. We are told don't form bonds. Don't get to close.

In essence I was screwed.

Ally's Point of View. ......

I must have stared at the wall for an hour. I heard a knock on my door. Nothing to loud just a single knock. I went to open the door. No one was there. A note was taped to the door. I took it and went back to the bed. As I payed down across it I unfolded the piece of paper.

It read :

Dinner is served at 5:30 sharp.

Don't be late.

Dress accordingly.

What does that mean? There was only one person I could think to ask. I mustered my strength and stood up. After smoothing my shirt I went to the door. With handle in hand I froze. What if he wasn't there. Only one way to find out. As I opened my door I saw him. He was frozen. Pre-knock. Arm and fist just inches from pounding on my door.

"um. Hi" that's all that would leave my mouth. And to think I was a 4.0 student. Never at a loss for words especially around boys. But then I had never been involved with one before. I was the nerd. So that limited my social interactions to no one.

He smiled. "Thought you might have questions about tonight.

He followed me in. We both sat on the bed. It had felt awkward to just stand there and talk. I couldn't keep the shock from my face as he told me what to expect at dinner. My jaw dropped.

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