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"Harry, what happened?" My thumb lightly rubs over the freshly bruised skin, trying not to cause anymore pain towards his already purple cheek. He looks away from me before saying,

" I really don't want to talk about it." His gaze falls back onto the clear water, where he stares intently at his bare feet. I scoot closer to him, attempting to turn his face towards myself.

" Harry, please. You can tell me," he closes his eyes, breathing out before reopening them.

"What I'm about to tell you must stay between us." His face holds pure seriousness towards the topic and in that moment I knew he wasn't kidding.

" I promise." He looks me in the eyes before saying, "thank you." Harry turns his body, so he is facing me before he starts to tell whatever is on his chest, that he needs getting off.

"Well, you're probably wondering who gave me this pretty bruise." I nod my head, curiosity eating me away.

"My father did. That man that was yelling at us the other night? That's my dad, he's a real douche bag." I want to giggle at what Harry called his father, but I know he is being serious so I just nod my head.

"He's been that way ever since my mother died, but he hasn't hit me in years. It came as a complete shock," he shakes his head like he is trying to figure out himself why his father would do such a thing.

"Harry, I'm sorry." I say pulling him in for a hug,"I will never judge you for your home life, I'm not like my mother." I say, shaking my head. He laughs a bit before saying," I can only hope you will never turn out like her, no offense." He tells me, holding up his arms in surrender.

I shake my head at him saying," it's okay, I know my mother is a bitch." We both agree, before taking a dip in the water.

Harry leaves his long shirt sleeve top on which surprises me. I wonder how he swims in that thing? I can barely stand to wear my T-shirt and stretchy shorts.

"Can I ask you something?"

" Of course," he says swimming closer to me. I bob up and down in the water before saying, "why do you wear that shirt all the time?" His face turns cold, as he looks away from my gaze. It's like this is a touchier subject than the one about his father.

"I made mistakes when I was younger and I regret them now, but there is nothing I can do about them so I hide them from the world to see." He admits, looking me straight in the eyes. I can only wonder what mistakes he is talking about.

"I'm sure whatever it is isn't that bad." I tell him, not really thinking much of them now. He laughs lightly before saying, "would you like to see them?" I nod, actually really wanting to know what is beneath his shirt. Hopefully a six-pack, but a girl can only dream.

Harry lifts himself out of the water to where he is sitting on the edge of the bank with his feet still dangling in the cool substance. He slowly starts to rid his soaking wet top from his body. My mouth gaps the further he lifts the shirt.

"You didn't expect that from me did you?" My eyes fixate on his tattooed cover chest and arms. It's like he has more ink than he does skin showing. I try to make out the different shapes and objects scattered across his body, but they're hard to make out since there are so many.

"I would have never thought, but why are you so ashamed of them?" He shakes his head saying, "they represent a bad time in my life that I have tried so hard to forget, but it's kind of impossible to move on from that part in your life when it's permanently inked on your body. Thus why I cover them."I feel bad for Harry, I really do.

"Would you like to share that story as well? In exchange for a secret of mine?" Harry looks deep in thought, like he is really trying to think this over.

"Who goes first?"


| Authors Note |

Harry is so freaking cute in this story! Lol I've fallen inlove with my own character.


LEAVE ME NICE, LONG COMMENTS PLEASE! I live off comments, if nobody comments then I don't feel like you enjoyed the chapter and I just want to quit writing.


Dedicated to: @RittaMargg because she is my editor :)

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