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It's eight o'clock, and I'm dressed and heading out the door for school.

I crank up the heat. Even though it's summer, early mornings are still a bit too cold for my liking. I pull out of my driveway, heading for the main road towards Woodburn High. I switch the radio to different stations, trying to find one that suits my mood for such a beautiful morning. Nothing that seems to play catches my attention, so I plug in my phone, hitting 'shuffle'. Life After You by Daughtry fills the car, seeming to brighten my mood a notch higher.

I speed down the road, not realizing I am til my eyes catch the speedometer. I quickly let my foot off the gas, causing the car to slow down a bit.

After a few minutes of driving, I arrive at the school, whipping the car into a parking spot. I get out after removing the key and head for the front doors, making my way through the almost completely empty school hallways.

"Chloe!" I hear my name being called. I turn in different directions, trying to figure out which way the voice is coming from after. I spot Ms. Janet walking towards me. "Chloe, I need you to do me a huge favour," she says, now standing in front of me. Dear Lord, what could she possibly want me to do?

"And that is?" I ask, raising a brow.

"I need you to clean the boys' bathroom..." She can't be serious. There's no way in hell- "I'll pay you." Ha, ha. She thinks money will get me to do that? Um, no.

"Ms. Janet, I really don't think I'm the person for this job. Don't we have Janitors for a reason?"

"Yes, Chloe. But, you see, they're all sick or out of town, and someone has to do it." Well, why can't that someone be her? "I'm begging, please?" I'm sorry, but begging isn't going to do it.

I remind myself I will not do it. I will not clean the boys' bathroom. Don't let her talk you into it, Chloe, don't.

"I'm sorry, but there has to be someone else," I try to tell her.

"There's not," she tells me. "Please?"

* * *

I grab the mob and the rest of the cleaning supplies, heading towards the bathroom Ms.Janet directed me to. I still can't believe I let her guilt me into doing it. She made me feel bad by saying how much her back hurt, and how she has to get surgery for it.

I should have just left, walked right out the front doors. The boys' bathrooms, I've heard, are a nightmare. The girls' bathrooms alone are bad enough, with the endless trash littering the floor, including the Tampons falling out of the sanitary box beside the toilets. I can't even imagine what the boys' bathroom will be like, but on the plus side I won't have to worry about discarded bloody Pads and Tampons, yay for me!

I hurry and open the door to the restroom, preparing myself for the endless pubic hairy, piss covered seats/walls, and toilets clogged full of paper. After I'm fully standing in the bathroom, I failed to prepare myself for one very important thing: a boy. Not just any boy, Harry.

I drop the mob as my mouth hits the ground, and his head jerks in my direction. I scream, yes, scream, but it's okay because he screams too. I sprint out of the bathroom, leaving behind the cleaning supplies, not in the slightest worried about cleaning the restroom anymore after seeing him do his business at the urinal.

Maybe I'm being a bit over dramatic, but I've always been the type of person to easily be embarrassed. I probably should have taken Ms. Janet's advice of knocking before entering, but I was so caught up in how I was going to have to endure cleaning the boys' nasty bathrooms, I guess I just failed to remember.

Once I reach the front doors, I spotted Ms. Janet talking with another lady. Before I have time to make a run out the door, she speaks, "Chloe, are you done so soon?" I nod, lying right to her face.

"Good, good," she says. I'm about to walk out the door, when someone called my name. I recognize it to be Harry's.

"Chloe, wait up!" why in the world is the boy wanting to talk to me? Did he not just see how I just about saw his junk? I slow down, not coming to a stop, though I keep walking.

I pass Ms. Janet as I leave the building, simply telling her I'm going to get a bit of fresh air. The warm June air hits me almost instantly, making sweat appear on my pale, non-tanning skin.

"Hey, did you not hear me?" Harry says. I don't look in his direction.

"Yeah," I simply reply.

"Well, why didn't you stop?" maybe I didn't stop because I just saw your dick...

"I...I don't know," I say, pushing the other thought to the back of my mind.

"Why were you in the boys' bathroom?" I've been waiting for him to ask this.

"I was supposed to clean it," I tell the truth.

"Who made you clean them?"

"Ms. Janet."

He laughs to himself. "Yeah, she's a... "He struggles to find the right word.

"She's a bitch," I finish for him. He cracks another smile.

"I'll agree with that." it seems to be a little less awkward, thank goodness. Maybe he will just forget about the whole bathroom thing, and we'll never speak of it again. "I stopped you because I wanted to give you this," he says, heading me an envelope.

I take it from him, raising a brow. "Go ahead, open it." I do what I'm told and tear the card open, revealing a teddy bear with a band aid over it's forehead. Below the little sick-looking bear, it says 'Get well soon'. I raise both brows, a bit confused. I open the card to find a twenty-five dollar iTunes gift card inside. "They didn't have an 'I'm sorry I ruined your clothes and earphones card'." he smiles slyly down at me.

"It's okay. Thank you, Harry. That is very sweet."

"You're welcome. It's the least I could do."

I smile down at the cute little bear on the front of the card, more intrigued in it than the actual gift itself. "You really didn't have to get me anything."

"I wanted to, now hush." after heading back into the school, we both part our ways, doing the different tasks people assigned us to do.

Just as I was leaving the school, my phone buzzes. I pick it up. The name reads 'Eric'.

EDITOR: directioneremo


I feel like it took me forever to update :/

Well hopefully after the big news on Psycho Sitter is announced ( hopefully that is soon) I will be able to write more after this pressure is off of my chest from having to keep it a secret for so long

Please VOTE and COMMENT I will probably start doing goals again (fun)

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