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Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I remember that I was supposed to text Eric before bed. I get up to grab my phone off the table when I realize I left it down stairs.

"Really? Now's the perfect time to face my mother." I mutter to myself before opening my door and stalking down the steps, I don't even try to sound quiet because I know she'll want to inform me on my bad behavior towards her. Just as I suspected, when one foot was inside the living room she's standing there with her hands on her hips and eyebrows raised.

"Looking for something?" She asks, holding my phone up. As I walk over to grab it from her she only pulls it back.

"That's mine now give it back," I say reaching for it again but she just holds it farther away.

"Not so fast," She says while I step back folding my arms in front of me. "Who's Eric?"

Oh shit! No this isn't good I think and start to panic, "And why is he being so demanding for you to text him?" She starts to slide her finger across the screen the 'Home screen' and reveals the texts.

"He's just a friend," I lie straight through my teeth. Well, I mean it was only a half lie.....okay maybe it was a big lie.

"Oh really? Well why would a 'friend' demand you to call him 'or else' which is what the text said." I feel helpless right now, she can't know what really happened because if she does it's un telling what she would do.

"He's kidding," I spit at my mother who has never been the type to get all up in my business. It's not because she doesn't trust me, I mean she doesn't care as long as I don't show up pregnant or tattooed then she could really carless.

"He's just 'kidding'?" She laughs, "Chloe are you hiding something from me?" She turns off my phone, thank goodness. "Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Well ever since you started hanging out around that boy-"

"Mom this has nothing to do with Harry!" I yell, I'm so frustrated right now it's not even funny.

"Oh really?" She sasses back with her hands back on her hips.

"Yes really! I've only been with him maybe three times?" I say to her growing even angrier.

"Well I think it's the only change you've had in your life lately." She can't be serious I can't believe her.

"Harry is the only change in my life lately?" I walk closer to her getting in her face.

"Settle down-" She says before I cut her off.

"No I won't 'settle down' have you already forgot that not even a month ago my best friend committed suicide!" Tears pour down my cheeks as memories of Blair force there way in my head and my mothers features seem to soften knowing she went too far.

"Chloe it slipped my mind I've been busy-" I stop her again, "J-just don't talk to me I don't want to hear it."

I snatch my phone from her hands, run up the stairs, and slam the door making sure she heard it. Tears continue to fall as I rock back in forth on my bed and I send a quick text to Eric before getting up and putting my shoes on.

I grab a jacket since it's pretty cold outside at night during the summer and I walk over to my desk, pick up my keys, and quietly tip-toe down the steps. I sprint past the living room and into the kitchen deciding it would probably be best if I just went out the back door.

After successfully making out the door and to the front where my car is parked, I start it hoping my mother doesn't hear. I put on my seatbelt before putting the car on drive and speed down the driveway. I blast the music as loud as I can stand before heading towards my safe haven.

* * *

Just as I'm pulling up to the long graveled road, I put my car in park knowing there's no way if I drive down there my car can get out without help. I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my phone then start slowing walking down the narrow road with weeds that grew around it giving the woodsy place an erie feel to it.

I jump slightly as I hear leaves crunching around me but I try to think nothing about it. After I've walked for about three minutes, I come upon a stream or small river the moon glistens on along with stars that reflect on the almost crystal clear substance. I walk over to the water sticking my foot in feeling the cool liquid awake all my senses. Goosebumps start to form on my skin but I pay no attention to it. As I start to lift my shirt over my head, I hear a voice.

"I thought I was the only one that came here." I almost jump out of my skin as a mop of curls emerges from the shadows and begins to laugh at my reaction.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I gasp putting my hand over my heart and yet again he just lets out a laugh then comes closer.

"I almost didn't stop you..." He motions towards my shirt that's lifted half way up my stomach and I feel my cheeks turn red, "...but I did and that's what makes me different."

He scratches the back of his neck before saying, "What you said earlier kind of hurt, you made it out like all guys are the same. I wasn't staring at that girls breasts because I was intrigued, I was just caught off guard since they were right in my face when I looked up."

He seems hurt at what I said but I mean all guys are the same. They all want one thing and they won't stop till they get it.

"Harry then why did you agree?" I say, I'm not really in the mood to get into another fight after my mother and I's earlier. I can still feel the dried tears sticking to my cheeks but I just want to know why he agreed after saying he is different because I know he isn't, all guys are the same.

"Because it's easier to agree then try to explain it to you," He's standing about six feet from me and I didn't notice till now but he's not wearing his glasses anymore. He looks so......different without them.

"Explain what to me? That you're not a hormonal teen that doesn't have sex on his brain twenty-four-seven? I'm not going to believe it," I say putting my arms over my chest and raising a brow.

"Just forget it." He starts shaking his head and I realize I look just like my mother with my arms folded and brow raised. I feel tears coming again and I don't really know why I'm crying so much. Well yes, I do know why but I just don't know how to deal with my emotions. I've always been the type to hold it all in, never letting anyone into my life because it just seems like a waste of time. They don't know what I'm going through so they won't care. Plus crying just seems so weak, yes I know everyone does it but it just seems pointless. How will letting water pour from your eyes solve anything? It won't.

"Chloe......Are you alright? Did I upset you?" I hadn't even realized Harry is now standing right in front of me and wiping my tears that seemed to escape their holding place. I lock gazes with him and speak.

"No but I'll be okay," I admit for once I'm 'not okay' because for once I'm telling the truth.

"How about we go for a swim and we'll talk about it?" He smirks, nodding his head towards the water.

I smile before saying, "I'd love to."



Okay I just wanna say I loved this chapter idk about you but for me this was pretty damn good lol it took me maybe an hour to write and it was actually really enjoyable to write too!

OMG GUYS I GOT A DESKTOP COMPUTER!!! (I've always used my iPad so this is big!) but I can't have it fill Christmas :/

I'm actually excited to write the next chapter *insert heart eyes emoji *

Chapter dedicated to: @AnnaIrish for best comment!

Peace out nuggets :P

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