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I hear my alarm go off several times but I simply hit snooze and go back to sleep, but it's not until I hear the ring on the third time that I jump out of bed realizing I'm late for work.

I had forgotten all about going into the bookstore today. Betty, the owner,is going to kill me for being late since she's pretty strict, especially on me. I hurry and take a shower before combing my hair and quickly brushing my teeth. I grab my shoes and run down the steps coming to a halt once I'm in the kitchen. I dig through the cabinets trying to find something to eat and once I spot some Goldfish crackers I grab them and head towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I stop the second I hear my mother's voice.

"I'm going to work," I turn around to see her dressed in a black skirt with a pink blouse.

"I won't be back home till ten or later since I'm working overtime." She nods and I slip out the door.

I start my car speeding down our driveway towards work. After driving for a good ten minutes, I show up at the little brick building. I park then head inside already thinking of my apology.

"Chloe you're late," Betty tells me as soon as I'm in the door but what's weird is that she doesn't look mad or anything.

"I know I overslept, sorry." I explain, still waiting for her to explode.

"It's alright just try to do better next time," I nod my head before following her to the back where she hands me two boxes of books.

"These all go into the "Teen Fiction" section." I take the boxes and head towards the front of the store where all the teen books are located.

I open up the box skimming through the books before taking out one that has a cover filled with color and just screams 'read me!' I set it to the side planning to buy and read it later. I start placing the books on the shelf in alphabetical order and once I'm about half way done my phone buzzes with the naming reading 'Eric'. I open the message just wishing that this guy would just leave me alone.

'How's my baby doing?' The text reads and I already want to throw up. He thinks I'm his baby?

'Fine.' I text back hoping he would just leave me be. I finish putting up the books away before the doorbell rings signally that someone has entered the store. I hurry to the front desk since Betty is in the back.

"Hello, welcome to Betty's Books. If you need any help finding something I'll be right up here," I say my line but don't even turn to look at who just entered.

"Hey, Chloe." I turn when I hear the voice of Harry who stands in front of me with a smirk.

"Harry what are you doing here?" I ask looking at him. His outfit choice is the same grey long-sleeved shirt with black jeans.

"Just thought I would come by and maybe get some books." I nod before saying, "Well there's plenty here so go explore."

He goes over to the "Teen Fiction" section and starts to look through the books. I watch him from the corner of my eye and reorganize the desk since it is a bit messy. After a few minutes Harry appears at the frontcounter and sets down one book.

"Is this all?" He nods. I grab the book getting ready to scan it before I realize he has the book I planned to buy.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks and I shake my head saying,

"No, no it's just I was going to buy this book."

I shake my head telling him, "It's fine though," I scan the book before putting it in a bag and handing it to him.

"I'll let you read it after I'm done." He grins and I nod my head gratefully. It's quiet for a second before he speaks again.

"So do you enjoy working here?" I nod replying, "I do, yeah. It's relaxing plus the owner is a nut," I admit.

"I heard that!" I hear Betty yell from the back and we both share a laugh.

"I bet she is." Seconds later Betty shows up at the front counter.

"You kids think I can't hear but boy, are you guys wrong." She says looking at us. She looks Harry up and down before saying quite loud,

"Is that your boyfriend? Cause he's fine."

She smiles at him but I just lightly push her.

"Betty, he can hear you." I mutter and Harry grins before saying,

"No ma'am, I am not."

"Well you guy's should be because you would be one cute couple. Y'all could probably make some cute babies too." She winks at Harry and my face turns red. Harry just laughs shaking his head.

"What? Y'all would make great babies," I turn around shaking my head.

"Please just be quiet, Betty. "

Happy New Year!!!

You guys have honestly been so supportive this past year and I can't thank you enough. Even when I wasn't updating you guys always come back and that means a lot to me. I have so many stories ideas for this year and I only hope you guys will be along for the ride.
Chapter dedicated to: @ Styles5ever for best comment! Btw your profile pic is bae :)

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