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I smiled as I stood with Marcus, one arm around my waist and the other holding my hand.

I finally had my happy ending, with my mate, and with my children.

Daniel was confident in everything he did, he had dark hair like mine had been before I discovered my powers, and dimples in his cheeks that were prominent when he smiled. I knew that he would make a perfect alpha, and I couldn't be prouder to call him my son.

Ella had her fathers light hair, she wore it just below the shoulder, her eyes were green like mine but the colour was more intense. She wouldn't grow to be an alpha, but it was likely, that as a daughter of two alphas, she would be mated to a beta, or even another alpha.

From the moment they were born, I sensed a connection.

Not just from the way that they were my children, but something else.

Something in me knew that they were both fire elementals, I don't know how I knew, I just did.

Their powers were weak, but grew stronger by the day. From an early age, I taught them control. They couldn't do much damage at the moment, but it was essential that they learnt to control them for when they got older.

They were kept relatively isolated, other packs no longer came to visit, we had to make excuses to stop them from sending new alphas to see us, until they were older and in control, we couldn't risk a thing.

The twins were very special in their own way, not only could they influence fire like myself, but they had other talents.

Daniel was something very special, he couldn't just influence fire, he could access a broader range of things, he could move the earth by creating earthquakes.

Even from a young age, they shook the pack land, initially people were surprised. All of a sudden, our pack had become a hot spot for earthquakes. They didn't know about Daniel, nobody could know.

As for Ella, she could heal things.

She had never done anything as big as healing Marcus, she could only really heal small cuts and bruises, but she was getting better at it.

They each had high temperatures that matched mine, and an immunity to fire.

I was thankful that they were free in this world, they could grow and use their powers without fear of an elemental pack that would come to harness their powers.

We were safe.

We were finally safe.

It's hard to describe, the feeling of having no worries.

It was foreign to me.

Myself and Marcus were finally able to settle into the pack, as their luna, they had learnt to respect me after seeing Marcus' death.

Our pack was now rather large, following the combining of the two packs.

It could be difficult to handle at times, but it meant there was an entire pack left over from Ignis that could help the twins control themselves when I wasn't around.

Instead of having other packs visit us, myself and Marcus went out to them instead.

It went against tradition, but it had to be done.

Things would be different now. With the betas gone, the large natura pack along with myself and the other elementals, no longer had anything to worry about.

Maybe It would take a while for things to settle down.

But I was, of course, wrong.

Hunters had began to gather around the pack in increasing numbers, far more of them than we had even thought existed.

Too many humans were hearing of our existence, and trying to rebel.

We had always expected this, of course. It was hard to coexist with humans when our worlds were so different, but we left them alone. And for the most part, they left us alone too.

The hunters were not a major concern, we had good pack doctors and could easily take them down.

Unfortunately, the numbers just kept rising.

But that didn't mean we couldn't take them.

Not when they were particularly vulnerable to the elements, that is.

But who knows? Maybe that was the precise reason they were here.

I guess we will have to wait and find out.

Life wasn't always easy.

But that didn't matter. What mattered is happiness.

Nothing is truly darkness when your life is pure fire.



That's it, it's completely over ):

Can't believe I'll never be updating another chapter on this, but there you go. The sequel / spin-off is on my profile now, entitled 'Phoenix'

I have two other new books also coming out, one is already up, called 'Vision'

As soon as the prologue for the next one is up, I will put an update on here showing all of the summaries if you're interested in any!

If you are interested in what will happen to the characters from Ember, Phoenix is a book which will mostly focus on this side of the story, (the epilogue may have given some clues as to what will happen...) so if you want to know the fates of these characters, go take a look at it!

Please vote/comment if you liked it! Thank you all so much for sticking with this book - can't believe I've actually written an entire book, very insane.

Updates won't be quite as frequent on Phoenix, as I will have 3 books I'm writing at once rather than just 2, but it will be my main focus.

Again, I have no idea how so many people found this book (but 100,000 people? I can't even begin to comprehend how many people that is) and thank you all so much for giving it a chance! Hopefully 'Phoenix' will live up to your expectations!

Thank you!

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