Chapter 9

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At my words, I felt Marcus tighten his hold on me, I allowed myself to relax into him further to try to calm him.

His composure was calm, businesslike. But I was his mate. I knew differently.

I stood up, grasping his large hand in my own to reassure him that I wasn't leaving.

"I think that's enough for now." I said, authority lacing my tone.

The others nodded in agreement, it felt almost odd to be so respected by alphas.

I had always had alpha blood, I had always been an alpha. But only recently had I begun to feel like it.

As a child I never had the strength and grace like the others, like my body was telling me that I would never shift.

For that reason the pack never respected me.

But the four people around me now all saw me in s different light.

Even as a child, Marcus had been a good friend to me. Of course it could have been his obligation as my beta, but he was unlike my own packmates with lesser ranks. Who fought their instincts to disrespect me.

Going to the Natura pack, despite the outcome, had been a good decision.

There, I was immediately an alpha, the wolves witnessed my strange abilities and respected me because of them, because of me.

The three alphas around me immediately saw me as their equal. Even though they had something I did not, a wolf. But that was okay.

And with Marcus, I know saw that he wasn't kind to me before just for the sake of it, as he treats me with the same respect now.

He grasped my hand back with the same reassurance and stood up with me, gently tugging me behind him.

Now, the soothing tingles spreading up my arm with his touch didn't cause me to recoil, I embraced them. Allowing his warmth to seep into my palm.

Marcus led me to his room, I stared at the large four post bed, remembering it fondly as it was the last good nights sleep I'd had, in well, ever.

I sat down on the soft duvet, crossing my legs. I looked up to see Marcus standing awkwardly a few feet away.

"Can I... um... sit?" He asked in a small voice, gesturing next to me.

I frowned at him, I had never seen an alpha look nervous or awkward.

"I'm not going to leave." I told him truthfully, shocked that he would think that.

"I just... don't want to overstep my boundaries." he mumbled.

My frown deepened, "come here."

He obliged after a moment of hesitation.

He sat down a small distance away from me that felt like a mile.

His actions seemed awkward, but I could tell he was fighting his wolf to keep himself away from me.

"Marcus." I whispered, edging closer to him.

His eyes widened as I got closer, what had brought this on?

"It's okay, you don't have to do that." I told him, trying to make my voice soothing.

"N-no it's okay." he answered, his voice shaking.

"No. Its not." I replied, slightly agitated.

He was staring at me, right into my eyes. It was like I could see through him.

I could feel his strength weakening as he fought against his wolf to keep from reaching out to me. I could feel his anxiety as he realised he would soon break, his pain as he thought that I would reject his movements if he did so.

If it was possible my frown deepened even further.

Taking the initiative, I reached out and grabbed his hands, silencing his nervous manner.

I briefly wondered why exactly he was acting this way, why he thought I would suddenly reject him.

There was an endless silence as we stared at each other, his eyes searching my face for something. I wondered what he found.

"Are you going to reject me?" He asked, breaking from my gaze.

I narrowed my eyes at his question, I chose not to answer.

I was trying to think of a way to explain to him that I would never reject him, to allow him to put his trust in me as a mate. But without a wolf to guide me through the mating process, I had no idea what to do.

I leant forward until I was only a few centimetres away from his face.

I wasn't sure on my intentions at first, but I went with my gut instinct.

"Mark me." I whispered.

That was all the pushing he needed before his teeth sunk into the exposed flesh on my neck.

There was no words for the feeling.

It felt painfull... but in a good way.

But it was over too soon. Too soon he pulled away.

I couldn't find it in me to do anything but smile at him, he beamed right back at me.

"Do you believe me now?"

He chuckled lightly before he kissed me, his touch igniting sparks that felt a million times more intense than before.

I smiled against him at the feeling.


I'm back!
I am so sorry it took so long to update, but I've had revision and been on holiday so I haven't had much free time.
I'm not sure when the next update will be but it will be longer than this one.
I'm hoping that the ending made up for the shortness and gap between updates (:
But on the bright side... I'm thinking of doing a sequel once this is over?
I know I have a while to go before I finish, but if I decide to write this sequel then I'll need to set up the storyline for it in this one, would any of you read a sequel or a spinoff?

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