Chapter 13

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I could still feel a gentle warmth in my stomache, an effect of seeing the packs reaction to me. What could I say - it really warmed my heart.

But still, I was physically aching with the need to push myself closer to Marcus, my mind had no time to linger on the events of the announcement.

We were currently walking back to the pack house where Marcus' room was situated, as we walked, I was attempting to refrain myself from launching myself at his moving form. I didn't doubt that he would catch me, I just wasn't sure it would be considered socially acceptable - even among wolves who would no doubt understand the mate pull which I was experiencing. 

As we walked, we were silent. But it was comfortable. I had lived for years in almost complete silence, aside from my daily singing of 'colours of the wind' - note the sarcasm - I barely made a noise. I found it difficult to understand people who were uncomfortable with silence, back at the Natura, Ignis pack, I consistently found myself with pack members showing me their talents leaving no space for thought. It was almost unbearable - how could I focus on the beauty of fire if somebody was constantly talking in my ear? I suppose I was a bit of an introvert in that sense - a lone wolf.

It seemed as though electricity was cackling between us as we walked, every so often our arms would brush, causing me to almost freeze, shutting down my mental thought process for a few seconds as I registered the sparks between us.

It was hard to ignore his overwhelming presence next to me, I considered that other pack members may feel this way, the intimidating aura that a wolf with alpha blood emitted would cause any sane wolf to shrink back against his presence. 

"Rose are you alright?" A charming voice asked me. 

The sound of him just saying my name sent my brain into goo for a moment before I registered that he had asked me a question,"Oh!" I exlaimed, "Um, yes why?" 

He had stopped and turned to face me, "Are you sure?" 

I grinned up at him, unable to prevent the obvious display of happiness on my face, "Positive."

"It's just...." He looked me up and down, "I can feel that you've gotten a lot warmer." 

I frowned and looked down at myself, I didn't feel any warmer. I stopped walking completely and stood completely still, staring ahead of me, unseeing. 

"Rose!" He exclaimed, moving to stand infront of me as he stared down at me.

Immediately I stared back into his eyes and smiled at him. He seemed to relax slightly but was still clearly concerned for me - he had no need to be worried, I felt perfectly fine!

"I'm fine!" I told him with a wave of my hand.

Completely forgetting about the fiery powers that possesed my hand, yet it seemed to amuse me when a tree behind Marcus completely set on fire.

A peel of laughter escaped my lips, I grinned as Marcus turned to face what I was staring intently at.

He turned his head back and stared at me with concern for a moment, his eyes glued to my own. I allowed the flames to vanish, and Marcus seemed to breath a sigh of relief, "I think we need to get you inside." He said.

I didn't move from my position.

He sighed slightly, but then leaned down and hooked his arms under me, lifting me up. I curled up against his chest, smiling as the welcoming tingles made their presence known.

I felt very comforted as he carried me up the stairs to his room, our room. He lay me down on his now white bed sheets; I immediately sat up and watched him.

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