Chapter 12

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I woke to someone gently shaking my shoulders, judging by the warm tingles spreading through me I knew it was Marcus.

"I'm tired go away." I muttered, rolling over onto my stomache, clutching the thin sheets between my arms as I tightened my eyes, trying to block out the light.

I heard a soft chuckle before a pair of arms slid underneathe me and lifted me up.

I scowled but snuggled in closer to his warm body. 

I wasn't sure where he was carrying me, but I assumed he had brought me outside if the cold blast of air was any indication.

I shot up suddenly, my eyes flashing open.

I looked down at myself, relieved as I noticed he hadn't taken me from the bed in my night clothes, I was still wearing my outfit from yesterday, clearly I had been so tired after the training that I had collapsed on the bed and fallen asleep, not caring about sleeping in my clothes.

"You could have let me get changed." I said, looking up at him.

I was slightly taken aback when I realised he had been staring down at me the entire time. A gentle blush made it's presence on my face.

He reached up a hand, I frowned when I noticed he was carrying me in just one arm. How strong was he? His hand gently rested on my pink cheek, slowly stroking along my jaw before he dropped it.

He smiled down at me, "Can I walk now?" I asked him.

He frowned but put me down, "I was enjoying that." He said, grinning at me.

I smiled, looking down at the ground, thankfully I also had my shoes on. Years of camping out under the stars meant I was used to - and thankfully comfortably - sleeping in a full outfit. 

"It's a full moon tonight." He told me, "I'm going to introduce yourself and the other elementals to the pack." 

I stilled, "What?" I choked out, "B-but I can't shift."

He smiled at me warmly, "I know that. We're going to introduce the four of you in a different way. They know what you can do, but they have no idea about the others."

I briefly wondered if any of them would have seen us yesterday when we were out training, but brushed the thought aside. I was sure Marcus would have made sure it was private.

We arrived at the pack house, and Marcus lead me straight to the outdoors eating area which we had been at the last time he tried to introduce me - when things went horribly wrong.

The pack members were all there, seated according to rank. They gave me wary looks, some of them had their gazes glued to my hands. Many shrunk back from me.

I bowed me head, trying to ignore the stares. 

Sam, Dave and Adam were already stood up on the wooden platform, watching us as we walked towards them.

Marcus took his place centre stage, pulling me up next to him.

The other elementals moved to stand in line next to me. 

He didn't even have to say anything before the entire pack turned towards him, proving how much respect they had for their soon to be alpha.

Marcus' own father came up onto the stage and began to speak, "Today we welcome four new pack members, Rose, Dave, Adam and Sam."

The crowed eyed us up, I shrunk back under their gazes. Years of having never spoken to a soul caught up to me. My nervousness was overwhelming. 

"As you are all aware, soon Marcus is going to step up into the alpha position." He paused, watching as the pack cheered, I could sense Marcus' happiness at their reaction. "Therefore he will be introducing the new pack members."

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