answer your phone

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  I was still driving around, at ten thirty at night looking for Stiles.

He'd gone to the animal clinic but he's jeep wasn't there anymore.

To make it even worse, it's dark and raining.

I dialed his number for the ump-teenth time and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, this is Stiles. You've missed me but-"

"Stiles, I swear to god- answer your phone. It's been an hour and I still can't find you and I'm probably freaking out too much but I'm getting worried and... Just please pick up." I sighed, hanging up and throwing my phone into the passenger seat.

I took a left turn, heading towards the preserve. The fifth location on my list of 'where the hell could stiles be?'.

I drove past trees, entering the woods now. I headed straight towards the out look point, where you could see all of beacon hills.

Sure enough, I found the blue jeep itself in park. It was sitting there, taunting me.

"Stiles you better be here..." I whispered, shutting off my car.

I stepped out, immediately getting soaked by the heavy down pour. I walked through the wet mesh of leaves on the ground, the bottom of my jeans drenched by now.

"Stiles?" I called out, walking by the side of the jeep. I looked through the passenger, not finding him in the drivers seat.

I kept walking and found him leaning against the hood of the jeep.

He was inspecting a wrench in his hand, the tip splattered with blood. His hair and clothes stuck to him, showing he's obviously been standing out a while.

"Thank god." I breathed out, running up to hug him.

He noticed me and quickly backed away, rejecting my arms. I stopped in my tracks, lowering my arms.

"Stiles?" I asked, stepping closer. "Are you okay?"

He looked from the ground to the wrench in his right hand, then up to me.

"Don't come near me." He whispered, gripping the wrench. Nonetheless, I stepped closer.

"Stiles, what's a matter?" I repeated, leaning in.

"Get away!" He shouted, stumbling back. His voice echoed, keeping the affect.

"No." I shook my head. "I've been looking for you for an hour. Why are you up here?"

"You shouldn't be looking for me." He sighed.

"And why the hell not?" I retorted, throwing my hands up.

"I don't want to hurt anyone else." He pleaded, his voice straining. He might be crying but the rain covered it up.

"Stiles." I smiled. "You won't hurt anyone. You'd never hurt anyone."

"I did. I did and I can't take it back." He said, shaking his head.

"Stiles..." I trailed off. "What happened?"

"Scott thinks I killed Donovan." He stated, staring at the wrench.

"Well... did you?" I asked. He looked around the ground, as if he'd find his answer.

"Y- yeah but I had no choice Y/N. He.. He was going to kill my dad." He cried, looking up at me. His cheeks and nose were red, his bottom lip trembling.

I was stuck in my place, processing Stiles' words. He killed Donovan? Aren't we trying to save the chimeras?

"Stiles.." I tried to find words, tried to find the right way to say anything.

"You don't believe me either." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, Stiles-"

"No, Y/N. Do you know what would've happened if I didn't? He would've killed me and my dad. I can't- I couldn't let him do that." He cried, running his free hand through his wet hair.

I was speechless. I couldn't say anything to calm him down or to comfort him. He was destroying himself over this.

"We- we can figure this out." I finally said.

"No. We can't. Y/N, Scott's right." He shook his head.

"What? What'd Scott say?"

"I shouldn't be around anyone. You should go." He sighed, walking to the drivers side.

"Stiles." I groaned, following him. He heard me follow so he turned around, his face livid.

"I said go! Get away from me!" He shouted, anger fired in his eyes. I flinched at his volume but stood my ground.

"No, Stiles. I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't just murder someone. There gotta be something-"

"No!" He yelled, taking a step towards me. I took notice to the wrench that was welded in his hand.

"Y/N, you can't just excuse murder. Okay? Scott didn't and neither should you!"

"Wait." I spoke up. He halted, giving me a strange look.

"You said he was going to kill you." I reminded him.


"No Stiles. Tell me exactly what happened. Start to finish. What happened that night at the school?" I argued, pointing at him.

He sighed. "It doesn't matter-"

"It does! Now tell me." I yelled.

He gave a long look before he started talking. He told me exactly start to finish. From fixing his jeep, to running to his jeep.

The explanation gave me hope. Stiles was exactly right. He did kill him but if he didn't, he'd be dead.

"Stiles, if dating a cops son ever gave me enough knowledge- I can tell you this." I proudly started.

"You fought for your life, against Donovan. It's not like you knew those poles were going to impale him. Self-defense Stiles."

He sighed. "I killed someone."

"You saved yourself. And in this case, it meant hurting someone else. You didn't murder him Stiles. You aren't some sociopath." I shook my head.

"Y/N..." He tried to argue.

"No Stiles. You know I'm right. And the fact you feel guilty about it, the fact you're distancing yourself to keep others safe, proves you didn't want to murder him."

The rain had stopped by now, leaving us dripping and soggy.

Stiles looked down to the bloodied wrench, turning it in the hand. He let out a breath before dropping the tool to the ground.

I ran up to him, throwing my arms around his neck. He cried, wrapping his arms around me- his face dropping to my shoulder, muffling his sobs.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay." I shushed, smoothing out the hair on the back of his head.

"Thank you." He breathed into my neck. I leaned back and kissed his cheek, nodding.

"I love you Stiles. I'm not leaving you. I'm here for you."

He simply nodded, hugging me tighter.
A/N:: the sciles scene got me in the mood to write this. <3

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