turn it off

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  Y/N groaned at the pain in her head, but when she tried to reach to hold it, her hand wouldn't move past maybe a few centimeters. She felt rope strain against her wrist and her eyebrows furrowed as she looked back to it. Her eyes followed up, seeing she was still in Eichen. Tied to a metal beam.

  "Y/N? Y/N, are you awake?" She heard. Y/N sighed in relief at the sound of Stiles' voice. He was okay.

  "Yeah, yeah. What- the hell- happened?" She sighed, leaning her head against the metal. Stiles sighed and shook his head in response, his teeth gritting angrily because he knew exactly who'd done this.

   "Brunski." He snapped, looking up to the man himself who had been standing in front of him. The employee sickly smiled and stepped around the beam so Y/N could turn her head to glare.

  "I needed to do this. You don't understand." He slowly said, shaking his head as he crouched down to their level.

   "We understand you're the one behind the deadpool." Stiles spat, vigorously turning his torso to fully face Brunski. But this only made him chuckle.

  "Me? The deadpool?" He repeated mockingly. "Now, how would I do that?"

  "My grandmother?" Y/N huffed, narrowing her eyes at him. "You forced her to give you names and then left her."

   But Brunski was still unaffected by their words.

"No, but I will tell you what I did get. Matter of fact- let me show you." He smirked, nearing Y/N. She scooted slightly across the concrete floor to further herself, but the rope only gave in a little. Stiles tried to turn his neck as far as he could, keeping an eye on Brunski, but when he was barely in the corner of his eye, he began worrying for Y/N.

   Brunski pulled out a recorder from his shirt pocket, his thumb mindlessly finding the play button, like he'd done it so many times. Both Stiles and Y/N had suspicious looks on their face.

   With the play button pressed, static began to play before the speaking began.

  "What are you, what are you doing with that Brunski?"  Y/N heard her grandmothers voice, shaking her head.

   "Don't worry. It's going to be alright." Brunski's own voice spoke.

     "You're just going to have a little trouble breathing..."

   Y/N sniffled as choking noises began and tears were rapidly falling. Brunski kept his smirk as he watched her face fall, as she began crying. Her eyes trained on the small recorder, the last evidence of her talking, speaking, breathing.

   "Y/N? Y/N, look at me." Stiles softly said, looking back at her. He saw her turn her head slightly, now able to see the left side of her teary face. The image only was enough to break his heart.

   "Don't listen to it, okay? Tune it out, listen to something else. Listen to my voice, Y/N..." Stiles hurried, his voice cracking. He watched Y/N let out a small sigh, before leaning her head back on the beam, shaking her head, her eyes squeezed shut.

   When the recording wasn't stopping, Stiles clenched his jaw as he looked to Brunski livid.

"Hey- turn it off! Turn it off!" He angrily screamed, his hands forming into fists. But Brunski continued. Stiles could feel the steam coming out of his ears.

  "Hey, I said turn it off!" He shouted, before he struggled so much, one hand came out. Stiles immediately pulled it back, ready to throw it. When he did, Brunski reacted just as quick and threw his own hand, smashing Stiles right in the middle of his jaw. Y/N gasped and looked to Stiles, now struggling on her own trying to reach him. Stiles proceeded to groan at the pain, trying to shake it off.

  "Stiles? Stiles, please tell me you're okay?" Y/N sniffled, her voice rough from her dry throat.

"Yeah..." Stiles said for her, but his jaw ached in the worst way possible. He moved it around, hearing a slight popping sound as he did.


  "You killed her..." Y/N mumbled, staring at the wall ahead of her as she spoke towards Brunski.

"Wait, here's my favorite part..." He smiled, holding up his finger.

"Just please don't hurt her..." Her grandmother whispered. Y/N eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

   "Don't hurt who?" Brunski had asked.

"She's... please don't." She cried, but suddenly her sentence stopped and Y/N slightly gasped as the choking returned, but Brunski clicked stop. Stiles huffed in annoyance as he sat up once again.

  "I never figured out what she was talking about. Until you. You're special, Y/N. But I can't leave you alive..." Brunski snarled, before standing up. Stiles' eyes widened at the words and tried harder to release his wrist.

  Brunski walked over to the door he'd locked before he knocked them both out and opened it, revealing something that would ruin everything for him.

    Scott McCall.

Scott quickly slammed his fist to Brunski, knocking him out in two seconds flat.  Brunski fell to the floor instantly and Scott walked over him, ready to untie Stiles.

  "No, no- her first." Stiles spastically shook his head, gesturing to Y/N. Scott nodded and moved to Y/N, reaching her wrist and cutting the rope with a claw. She said at the feeling of freedom and crawled to her knees, as Scott helped her stand up fully.

   Scott left her standing and came back to a struggling Stiles. He did the same thing and the first thing Stiles did was scramble to his feet, stumbling to Y/N. Both of their faces held relief as they encased each other in their arms, grateful.

   "Oh my god, Y/N..." Stiles whispered, eyes watering. All she did was shake her head and bury her face to the crook of his neck.

"H-He ki-"

"I know, I know. But you're okay. We'll figure it out. Don't- don't worry." Stiles assured her, smoothing her hair down. His other hand gently rubbed her back, trailing all the way to her left hip as he fully held her.

"Stiles..." Y/N croaked, leaning her head back. Stiles did the same, now facing her. Their eyes met and Y/N couldn't help but feel entranced at his honey brown eyes. Something she'd never get tired of.

"Please don't let me die." She cried, a single tear running quickly down her cheek. Stiles instantly feared, because with the town he lived in, he wasn't sure he could keep that promise.

Stiles nodded and gave her a soft smile, placing a palm on the side of her head, caressing her cheek bone with his thumb. Her face relaxed, leaning into his touch.

"If you go, I go." Stiles truthfully whispered, placing his forehead on hers. She smiled and nodded softly, pressing her lips forward for a split second. The peck on the lips made Stiles smile uncontrollably large, making him move his lips towards hers again, pressing them back together. They moved against each other, smoothly, easily.

A moan almost escaped Stiles, but he held it in fear of making Y/N laugh at the fact he was so turned on by simply kissing her.

Although, she wouldn't care.

Because she was holding in a moan of her own...

A/N:: I loved when stiles said the gif for Lydia. one of my fav stydia moments. also, hope this is okay!

love you guys

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