post-traumatic void

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this is for toxoidstilinski

     Bertinha's POV

"They won't find you."
  "Shut up." I whispered.

"They've probably forgotten about you."

  "Stop it." I cried.

"I bet, Stiles even found someone else by now. Yeah, I know about your little fascination with him."

  "You know- nothing!" I snapped, pulling at the chains around my wrists.

  "Oh, but I do." He chuckled. "But guess what, little dove?"

  I stayed silent.

"He doesn't like you back."

  "Please stop." I cried harder.

"But I do."
  My eyes squinted in confusion, looking up to him as he sat across from me, just far enough to where I couldn't touch him.

  "We don't need him, dove. It can be just you and me. We can make them realize that they should've tried harder for you. Shouldn't they be here by now? But they're not. Don't- shouldn't they pay?"

  "Pay?" I whispered.

"Doesn't it make you angry that you're still here? All- chained up? Being tortured, being kept from the freedom you so deserve?"

  "Wonder who's fault that is." I hissed at him.

  He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I don't mean these chains, sweetheart. Maybe- mentally. Don't you feel constricted with them? Like, you're on rules? Part of some group with this- Alpha who in actuality, has no idea what he's doing? A blind leader."

  I stayed silent.

"It's easy. I can keep this form. And you can have me. Someone who wants you? Someone who will never let anything happen to you."

  I processed this. Was this how I ended up? Leaving the group that left me here? When- the nogistune was offering the best deal I've heard in years.


"Never. Just me and you. No rules, no leader, no body else to worry about." He whispered, leaning out to put his hand on my cheek. Stiles' hand.

  "I'll make sure you never have to worry about them again."


   But they did it.

  The pack controlled the Nogistune and put him in a triscalade jar. And saved me, even.

  But nothing felt the same between us.

  Especially Stiles.

  I couldn't look at him without expecting words of the Nogistune to pour out. For him to tell me it was still us against the world.

  But he wasn't going to.

After they removed the void for good, I sort of- drifted away. I didn't go to pack meetings, I didn't answer every phone call. Hell, I barely went to school.

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