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this is for @Maliatate03

   Jade's POV

"Why don't you do it?"

  "Me?" Kira asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm not up for that." Scott huffed, throwing his arm around Kira. She blushed, calming down.

  "I'll do it." I sighed, raising a small hand. Lydia looked at me, surprised.

"You're dating Stiles. Why would you sign up for this?"

  "It's obvious none of you are gonna do it. So, I volunteer. We have to get Liam to go to this 'party'. He needs to learn control." I explained.

  "Isn't Stiles gonna be- mad?" Malia asked, confused.

  "We'll find out." I breathed out, walking into the school.

"Hey Liam." I smiled, trying to lean against the locker next to his.

  "Hey." He responded. "Where's Stiles?"

  "Do I have to be by his side every single minute."I laughed. "But I really just needed some alone time with you."

  "W-with me?" He stuttered.

"Yeah. There's a party tonight. Wanna go with me?" I asked, trying to sound as seductive as possible.

  "I mean- won't Stiles get mad? I hear he's kinda possessive over you..." Liam eased.

"He won't mind. So, yes or no?" I asked again. Liam thought for a moment before smirking and nodding.


I smiled and before I knew it, Liam pecked my lips, leaning back.

"I-I'll pick you up?" I awkwardly asked, not wanting that to ever happen again.

"Great." He smirked before walking away.

Mission accomplished.

"Stiles?" I yelled as I shut his front door, walking in. "You home yet?"

  I sigh from no answer and head up to his room anyways. I reach the top step, immediately walking through Stiles bedroom door, except I spot him on his bed.

"Oh." I chuckled. "You scared me."

When he didn't respond, I quieted down and walked closer, seeing what he was doing. In his hands was a framed picture of us on a date, Stiles kissing my cheek.

"I always liked that one." I smiled, standing next to him.

He instantly threw it at the wall, shattering the glass and snapping the frame when it hit.

"Stiles! What the hell?!" I screamed, backing up.

  "I saw you and Liam today." He growled, standing up to face me.

My face softened. "Stiles-"

"I don't wanna hear it! Jade, you cheated on me! And just when I thought-. And I knew too, I knew but I still-. I knew it was going to happen." He huffed, almost arguing with himself.

"Knew what?" I scoffed. "Stiles, I have a rea-"

"I knew you were going to leave me!" He screamed, showing the tears in his eyes. "I knew, that you'd realize you didn't actually like me and you'd find some- some better guy. You'd find someone better than me! You- you would realize how much more you deserve and you'd leave, Jade!" He yelled.

"Stiles-" I sighed, a frown etched on my face. "I'd never leave you."

"Yeah, you really showed that when you kissed Liam." He snapped.

  "I didn't kiss him! Okay?! He kissed me! I was helping the pack because we needed to get him to come over willingly and Kira wouldn't do it! So- don't talk shit if you don't know what happened!" I shouted.

Stiles face instantly showed his guilt, his whole body relaxing.

"Jade... I'm sorry. It's just-" he took a deep breath. "I always think it's gonna happen. You-you'll find someone better and leave me. So when I saw you two- I- I thought it was happening." He sniffled, wiping his eyes with his jacket sleeve.

I rushed to him, throwing my arms around him. He sighed, doing the same as he dug his face into my neck.

"Stiles Stilinski. Don't you doubt for a second that I love you. If I have anything to do about it, I'm not leaving you. For anyone."

He nodded softly against my neck, squeezing my body tighter against him.
A/N:: hope you like it!!!!!! Sorry if it took too long :/

    <3 you guys a lot

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