skinny dipping?

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I sighed as I tossed another rock, attempting to skip it. Yet again, nothing.

Then again, I've never been great at skipping rocks.

The water felt warm as it splashed on to my calf, making me smile. I needed that. If only I could just completely dip my whole body in. You know? Just swim around and relax.

Wouldn't that be fun? Me and the soft ripples of this little river.

The more I enticed the idea, the more appealing it was becoming.

I could do it though. I was alone, and I wanted to. I needed this. There was some slight nerves, but the adrenaline would be worth it. Swimming in a river? Check that off the bucket list.

I shrugged and ripped of my shoes, along with the socks. Pulling down my jeans to my ankles and my tshirt over my head. Leaving me in underwear and a strapless bra. Granted, I was wearing a tshirt with it, but I wasn't too motivated to change bras this morning.

I stepped down the bank, my feet sinking into the mix of sand and small pebbles that were round and smooth from the river constantly running over them.

I walked even further in and towards the middle, seeing the water reached my belly button. I grinned and crouched down as I began to walk, seeing the water rise up to my neck.

"Look at me. Alone in a river in my underwear. No wonder you have such a lively social life." I chuckled to myself, wading around the same three feet of water.

The sound of leaves crunching sent a chill down my spine, knowing either a squirrel was enjoying the show- or a person was.

I was hoping for the latter.

I slowly looked over to see a frozen figure, a person, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Enjoying the show, perv!" I snapped, angry. The body snapped from their gaze, shaking their head.

"Y/N? Is that you?" A familiar voice stuttered. My eyes widened.

"Stiles? What the hell are you doing spying on me in the middle of the forest?" I scoffed.

"Wh- I wasn't spying! I just happened to pass by you- skinny dipping in a river. Why the hell are you skinny dipping in the middle of the woods?" He wondered, waking closer. I raised my eyebrows.

"Skinny dipping? You think I'm skinny dipping in the middle of the woods." I reiterated. He shrugged, embarrassed.

"Either that or you're purposely hiding your strapless bra!" He yelled at me.

I looked down to see I was still neck deep. I laughed and walked forward, the water revealing half of my black bra. As well as my pushed up boobs.

"O-oh." He stumbled, nodding to himself as he tried to look anywhere but me.

"Woah, keep it in your pants, Stilinski. This isn't no Victoria's Secret show." I scoffed. He gasped and looked down, before seeing I was joking.

"Very funny. Teasing me with your model body? You're hilarious." He scoffed. I laughed.

"Model body, huh? You're hilarious." I nodded, stepping out of the water to put my clothes on. My body dripped water as I bent down to grab my pants.

"Oh my- god, what are you doing?" I heard him gasp.

I stood back up straight, giving him n obvious look.

   "Putting my clothes back on?" I scoffed, finding the top of my pants.

   "Well- you, you don't, you know. Don't feel like you have to. . ." He shrugged, still not facing me.

   "Oh really?" I joked. Maybe. Who's to say I wasn't slightly showing off for Stiles.

   Stiles embarrassingly stayed silent.

"Oh, cmon. You know you like me." I chuckled, somewhat hoping-

   "How did you know?!" He spun around, his eyes wide. "Did Scott tell you? Oh my god, when I see him, I'm gonna-"

   "Woah, woah- no, Stiles. No one told me. I just- guessed." I smiled, walking over to him. He stood still, confused.

   "Is that a let-me-fake-a-smile-so-he-doesn't-feel-bad smile or a yay-he-likes-me-too smile?" Stiles tried to laugh but it came across as a nervous chuckle.

    "Definitley the second one." I nodded quickly. He let a smile slowly fall on his and he relaxed in place, his shoulders slouching now.

   "You don't know how much you just made my day." He smiled, lacing his fingers through mine as he pulled me closer.

   "With the stripped down to my underwear or the liking you?" I smirked. Stiles did the same, shrugging along.

   "Maybe both." He answered.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, before Stiles pulled me in for a long, secure hug. One that both warmed me-

     And my heart.

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