the doctors worst deed

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**warning: im not to be held accountable for tears. sorry.**

   UPDATE: guys, my fanfic is taking rlly long IM sorry. I just want the best possible writing for u : )


Maybe Tracy was a bad thing.

But she's gone now.

Maybe Donovan was something worse.

But that was the past.

Maybe Theo wasn't who he said he was.

  But that was nothing compared to the Doctors recent experiment.

  Every villain, every supernatural creature had gone about getting rid of the pack the wrong way. You couldn't kill them. You couldn't turn them against each other. And you most definitely couldn't just break the bond they had.

  But the Doctors figured it out.

If you want to cause anyone really, long lasting pain-

You go after someone they love.

Y/N was the perfect experiment.

   She was sibling-like to Scott, basically sisters to Lydia, Kira and Malia. Even Liam had grown to love the girl.

Not near as much as Stiles had.

She was his everything. His air, his thoughts, his life. Y/N was the dawn to his dusk. She was his ground, while also being his sky. She kept him sane but also encouraged him to follow every single little path. Every clue, every lead.

  Some say the couple had said 'I love you.' before they even started dating. Some say that it was months before Stiles accepted someone like her could actually love him.

  But it didn't matter.

Because, from what the pack could see...
   She wasn't ever going to say it again.

    It happened a couple nights ago, Y/N was grabbing an innocent soda from a vending machine at a local gas station. Then they appeared.

  They dragged her to the dumpsters out back, slamming her on top of one. Two pinning her down as she squirmed, while the first one drew out a large needle from their coat.

  They injected the needle directly to her temple, sinking it all the way in.

  Y/N gasped in breath, before the liquid inside quickly took effect. The Doctors snatched it out, carrying her to her car and setting her in the drivers seat, like she'd just arrived.

  And just like that, she wouldn't remember her experience with them.

  Or anyone in Beacon Hills.

The Doctors had struck directly to her memories, drawing each and everyone into the tiny tube and out of her brain.

  Y/N cinched her eyebrows, looking around her car.

  Why was she at a gas station? Did she already get some?

  She peered at her dashboard, seeing the full tank icon. Shrugging, she pulled out of the lot and continued on her marry way.

  Then her phone rang.


She was really confused now. Who was this? She must know them if she had them saved as a contact.

  Y/N answered the call, speaking out a confused hello.

  Stiles, on the other end, let out a huge breath of relief. He was definitely on edge ever since the pack read the book, recalling their own terrifying tales.

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