Chapter 11: A Song?

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**Riley's P.O.V.**

Oh My God.....i repeated in my head over in over trying to think about what happend. I couldn't believe what i just did. I just kissed Sienna!!! I couldn't understand what went wrong. I mean, i like Sienna, I love her, and i could have sworn she liked me back so why did she pull away. I don't know what came over me to do it. It was just looking right into her beautiful blue eyes as if i was hypmatized. It's like she was speaking to me through them. I know she was probably super upset still, that was probably one of the reasons why she pulled away. But that just didn't seem right and i don't know why. And it hurts me to think about. 

I was walking away slowly and it was dark outside and it suddenly hit me. The Show!!! I wipped away the tears on my face and my eyes and started running. The wind hitting my partly tear filled eyes stung alittle but i kept running. I slowed down as i was arriving the venue. The lights that were usually litl up at night on the House Of Blues were off and there weren't that many people around except for little kids and disney land gowers looking tired on there way home. I was going to take my phone out of my pocket to check up on the time when i heard foot steps running toward me and Connors yelling voice.

"Riley! Dude! Where have you been! We had to cancel to show and let all those girls down leaving disapointed! And what happened to you you look terribe" Connor lowered his voice as he got closer.

I put on my best fake smile and gave them all the fake excuses to go along. "I'm Fine" "Nothing happened" "I just lost track of time" "I'm super sorry"

"Whatever man! Mom is going to kill you come on! We gotta get back to the bus. And you were lucky enough that nobody is performing tomorrow night because we had to rescedual and you can't ditch this agin now let's hurry moms probably going to cook a storm with you." Connor said while starting to run and i started to run ahead.

**Toby's Point Of View** 

I stood inbetwwen Connor and Riley as Connor gave him a small talk but i wasn't really paying attention. I noticed that when Riley pulled his phone out of his pock it a note fell so i awkwardly stepped closer to keep my foot on it so it wouldn't blow away. I was really curious to see what it was. I heard Connor stop talking and they started to run away. I quickly bent over and picked up the note and imediatly knew that it was written to Sienna from her mom. "But why would Riley?" "Was he telling the truth?" "Did he Really see Sienna tonight?" "Was that why he ditched the show?" I was inturupted by Connor yelling to me. 

"Toby C'mon already!" he yelled motioning his hand to follow him.

I quickly hid the note into my jacket pocket and ran after them. I arrived at our bus and walked in about a minute after Connor and Riley was already getting his lecture from mom. He was sitting on the couch pretending to listen even though i knew he wasn't. He looked like he was hiding something. Something that hurt him. He just looked wounded like a broken solier.

**Riley's P.O.V** 

i had recieved the lecture from mom and pretended to listen the whole time. Now i was getting ready for bed. I was already in my pajama's in the bathroom gargaling after i brushed my teeth. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags in my eyes and i did not look good. Then i remember Sienna's Note from her mom! I still had it! 

Everybody was already in there bunks getting ready to sleep accept for Toby. He was in the back lounge watching TV and eating Tostitio's Tortilla chips. I pushed him over to open up my closet door and took out my jacket and reached into the pocket. This couldn't be happening i thought to myself. The not wasn't there!

"Looking for something" Toby asked.

i hesitated because i didn't really want him to know about the note or know about Sienna so i coverd it up with a lie. 

"Uhhhh..... ya i'm looking for my cell phone" 

"It's sitting on the kitchen table"

"Thanks" i said awkwardly while walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed my phone and walked back to the back lounge.

"Look Toby i'm sorry about fighting with you. It's just that I really like Sienna and you don't know her story" i said apologetically but quietly not to wake my parent's.

"It's fine, i'm sorry too. Anyways what is her story. You keep saying 'You don't know what she's gone through' " Toby said mocking my voice.

"That is something i can't tell you. If she wanted you to know she would tell you and i'm sorry. And anyways it wouldn't be the same coming from me. You'd have to hear it form her. And on the other hand, Can you help me with something?"

"Sure, what?"

"A song. I want to write a song"

"Okay we can write one after tour when we get back to the studio"

"No i mean like right now. I want to write a song. That's why i need your help"

"Okay but we've gotta be quit"


"Riley we've been writing for hours can't we just take a break and go to bed? It's 2 AM!!" Toby pledded.

"Fine you can go to sleep, but i'm finishing this. I'm going to perform it tommarrow"

With that said toby like a zombi walked over to his bottom bunk and crawled in. I couldn't wait until tommarrow night. But ther is just one problem. How would i get Sienna to come to the show?

Sorry for the delay on this chapter but it's done now. So please please please SHARE! And comment what you guys think :) Also vote and follow me! Thanks so much! :)

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