Chapter 8: A Caged Dove

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Chapter 8: A Caged Dove

On 11 am the next day, the squad, led by Sasuke, arrived at the village gates. The team had left Rice Country at about four in the morning. Surprisingly, they didn't run into enemy territory. The squad walked up to the gates and was greeted by the two guards.

"Sasuke-san, I see you and your team has made it back safely. Hokage-sama requests that you and your squad see her immediately," one of the guards said, informing the Uchiha. Sasuke nodded, the he and his squad continued, passing the guards who bowed and extended their hands signaling them to go. Everyone continued towards the Hokage tower.

Konohamaru looked at Hanabi, who gave him curious look. "What do you want?"

Slightly nervous, "Well I was wondering...I don't know...just maybe..."

"Just come out with it, I don't have all day," the young Hyuuga said in a slightly aggravated tone.

"I was wondering if you would want to get some ramen with me after we go see Hokage-sama." Konohamaru asked.

"No." Hanabi simply said, causing Konohamaru to slouch in defeat.

Udon whispered in his best friend's ear, "Why continue after the Hyuuga when Moegi likes you? It's not like she's ugly."

"Moegi is like a sister man." Konohamaru snapped at his friend.

"I'm just saying that there are other fish in the sea. You should try looking at the others." Udon suggested to Konohamaru.

After 10 minutes of walking, the team finally arrived at the Tsunade's office, Shizune escorted them in.

"Hokage-sama, Sasuke and his team have returned."

"Yes, I can see that Shizune. So, Sasuke, I assume the mission was successful?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes," He reached in his scroll pouch to and pulled out the scroll, "Here it is Hokage-sama. I will have a written report on your desk first thing in the morning." Sasuke stated formally.

Tsunade stood up from her desk and looked at her pink-haired apprentice, "Ok. Sakura, I expect you at the hospital by 3. Shizune, take that scroll to intelligence and have it examined. Also, tell that lazy ass strategist of mine that I expect a written report on advantages, disadvantages and possible attack patterns. Tell him I want it on my desk by tomorrow." Shizune nod and left to complete the task that Tsunade assigned her.

Tsunade looked at Naruto, "You come with me. The rest of you are dismissed." Everyone filed out of the office; Naruto and Tsunade being the last.

Tsunade and Naruto were walking towards the council room. Naruto looked at Tsunade, "Obaa-chan, what the hell is this about? Why do I need to see the council again?"

"Naruto they're concerned about what you did to those Rain-nins and Rock-nins last year and they want an explanation, I told them that you don't have to give one but after knowing your reason I think they should hear it. So I ordered this meeting so you can tell them." Tsunade informed the blonde.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if they know or not. It seems like they're going to hate me no matter what I do."

"That might be true, but what you did was something that any decent person would have done." The Hokage said to offer him some comfort.

Tsunade and Naruto entered the chambers. Naruto and Tsunade both took their seats. Tsunade looked around the room to see that all of the attention was focused on her. "Everyone I called this meeting today so you all could here Naruto's reasons for doing what he did in Rain and Earth Country. All of you have issues with what he did and only know part of the story because Jiraiya wished not to tell you, for it was not his place to do so. I already know the reason and I feel that it was more than justifiable; however, this meeting is to put your minds at ease. If you have questions ask him now because this will be the last time I call him before the council."

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