Chapter 19: Wounds That Dont Heal

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Chapter 19: Wounds That Don't Heal

Konoha Hospital...

Shizune took a deep breath and looked Naruto dead in the eyes, "Naruto, she's going to live, but she is in a coma and I do not know when she will wake up."

Naruto was relieved that she was alive but he still couldn't believe what had transpired over the last 5 hours. Ryuho-sensei was gone, so was Kaori, as well as the rest of the clan. It was only Hayami and Shinji. Thinking of the latter, "Shizune how is Shinji? The doctors haven't informed us of his situation."

"I will go and find out." Shizune said to reassure the young man.

Naruto nodded and Shizune walked off to the room across from Hayami's room to get some info on the samurai's health. Jiraiya and Mai walked up to Naruto and Yumi. Yumi, who saw her mother ran up to the lady and hugged her. Mai pulled back to look at Yumi, "Are you okay honey? I heard what happened; I just want to know if you are okay?"

Yumi nodded, then proceeded tell her mother of the horrific things that they saw while in Sea Country. Naruto was sitting on the bench waiting for Shizune when Jiraiya walked up to him causing Naruto to look up when he saw a familiar shadow. Jiraiya looked at his pupil with pity, "How are they doing?"

"Hayami is in a coma and I'm waiting to hear word on Shinji." Said Naruto in a low voice.

"Naruto for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Naruto didn't respond. He remained quiet and indifferent, which was quite new to Jiraiya, but seeing what the boy went through just a couple of hours ago; it was to be expected. Tsunade, Kakashi, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Tenten, Neji, and Senzairu were all walking towards the group. Jiraiya looked at his teammate, "Tsunade-hime, always a pleasure."

"Can it Jiraiya. Naruto, did Shizune come out of the room?"

Naruto responded, "Yes. She's with Shinji now."

Ino hated to see people sad, because it made her sad. Trying to be strong, she looked at Naruto, "Is everything okay? Is the girl okay?"

Yumi, who was on the side talking to her mother, decided to answer, "She's in a coma."

Sakura didn't see Naruto this sad since she basically told him to fuck off about six years ago. She always saw Naruto as a friend, even if he didn't see her as one. Going into Medic-nin mode, Sakura headed to Hayami's room, this caused Naruto to look at her "What are you doing?"

She gave him a warm smile, "I'm a medic-nin Naruto. I just want to make sure that everything is fine."

"Shizune is her doctor Sakura, so you are not needed." Naruto said, not trying to insult her; just to inform her.

Tsunade spoke up in Sakura's defense, "Shizune is a great medic-nin, but Sakura is just as good."

Naruto sucked his teeth, "Whatever."

Just at that moment, Shizune came out of Shinji's room. "Naruto, Shinji is okay and his injuries, although they were life threatening, wasn't as bad as Hayami's. He should be awake soon and will make a full recovery in about a week or so."

Naruto spoke once more, "Can I go see Hayami?"

She nodded; this caused Naruto to stand up and leave everyone to talk amongst one another. When Naruto entered the room, he saw two doctors including Sakura. The two doctors gave him hateful glares; one had the nerve to say "What are you doing here?"

Naruto just gave both doctors a side glance that was filled with so much killer intent that it caused them to fall to the ground, gasping for air. When they recovered they rushed out of the room. Sakura shook her head. She didn't understand why the doctors, now that she thought about it, the whole village hated Naruto; even her parents didn't like the boy; that was an issue for another day.

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