Prologue (before I put epilogue by mistake!)

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Teddy and Victoire now both 17 (I know theyre not the same age but they are in this fanfic) are babysitting the Potter-Weasley clan while their parents are out for what they call a "gathering like old times".

Lily and Hugo are in the corner reading what seems to be Hogwarts: A History. Fred II and James are probably doing something mischevious like planning a prank or actually doing one. Dominique, Molly II ,Lucy and Roxanne are talking quietly and Rose is engulfed in what seems to be a muggle book called Percy Jackson. Louis and Albus are playing a game of exploding snap.

But what Teddy and Victoire did not notice was James and Fred II sneaking into Harry's office.

"are you sure we should be doing this?" asks Fred II worriedly. "C'mon Freddie its gonna be fun!" says James playfully "We might find some interesting things here!"

While James looked around one thing caught his eye immediately , an hourglass with a gold circular frame and a gold chain attached to it. "Fred! Come look at this what do you think it is?"

"I dunno" replied Fred II.

James slipped the object into his pocket. Him nor Fred II were aware the golden chain was sticking out. "maybe we can figure it out later" said James.

As they were walking downstairs Lily noticed the golden chain and said "Whats that in your pocket James?"

"Uhhh n-nothing, nothing at all!" stuttered James.

Teddy looking at James's pocket curiously said "Hand it over James".

James looking defeated took the chain from his pocket and lifted it up so everyone can see the gold object.

Rose gasped "Thats a time turner my mum used it in her third year! James where did you get that?"

"Uncle Harrys office" piped up Fred II.

"Thanks alot Fred" mumbled James.

"Hey can I se-" but Louis was cut off by Teddy saying "Give it here James".

"Why?" said James. "Cause im putting it back in Harry's office"

"I can put it back"

"you might and probably will not put it back and do something with it"

James sighed in defeat and tossed it to Teddy missing him it went to Louis who caught it and threw it to Hugo who missed as well and it went to Lily who caught it then tripped over Hogwarts: A History.

Lily fell to the ground dropping the time turner in the process. It shattered and a gold dust spread around the room engulfing the children. Rose dropped her book in surprise, Teddy immediately Grabbed Lily and Hugo in his arms. There was a moment of silence and then as Kreacher walked in the room checking on the children, they vanished. They were gone.

What did you think for a beginning? Updating soon! =P

If you are reading this you are awesome!

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