Chapter 8: A Time portal thingy?

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Oliver Woods POV

Kingsley ordered the ministry workers to take the broken pieces of the time turner and give them to him so a few moments later a petite woman with short curly brown hair gave him a bag of the pieces.

"Thank you Miss Umbridge" Kingsley said. Before she left the woman turned around to wink at me and did the 'call me' hand motion much to Jenny's dismay.

"Wait Dolores Jane Umbridge has a daughter?" Hermione and Ginny gasped.

"Yes she does and I do not know why she even works here. She was here before I even became Minister and I can't fire her because I have no proper reason to shes too annoying" Kingsley grumbled.

Finally we stopped at a door with the sign "Lab" on it. Kingsley muttered multiple spells then opened the door and led us inside, it wasn't much of a lab it only had a thick metal circle tall as an elevator and wide as a queen sized bed. Around it were tables full of cauldrons and potion ingredients and other weird gadgety thingys who knew wizards actually use some muggle technology?

"This" Kingsley started. "Is a project we have been working on for years and maybe we can use this to get the kids back".

"What is it?" Angelina asked.

"A Time Portal".

Daisy's POV

After I kissed James everyone roared in approval. Teddy picked him up and went to place him on a nearby couch. Sirius, Remus and Tonks who I didn't know were watching were laughing and grinning uncontrollably.

"Lily did that once after he asked her out and he did the exact same thing!" I could hear Sirius exclaim.

Lily hugged me tightly. "I sooooooo can't wait until you and James are married! I could be the bridesmaid and you will be part of our family!" she squealed as I turned scarlet. Mrs. Weasley said it was bedtime but I asked if I could stay with James until he wakes up, she agreed and everyone left the room.

I looked at the boy who was lying peacefully on the couch with his eyes closed. I never realized how much I loved those hazel eyes then a moment later I realized I was actually staring into them so that means...

"You're awake!" I whispered loudly.

"Obviously, how long was I out and where is everyone?"

"They left to go to bed and I just stayed here waiting for you to wake up."

"So does that mean you like me?" I shifted uncomfortably before replying:
"I guess a bit."

He leaned in and I did too and we shared one sweet kiss before it turned into a heated snogging session. (Yeah i'm not going into detail cuz TMI!)

After a long time we just sat there for a while and before we knew it we were both asleep.

Victoire's POV

Dom seemed down lately and I tried to ask her if something was up and if I did she'd just smile an say nothing. I tried to ask her now but still got the same answer. I'm going to get to the bottom of this I thought as I pulled on PJ's Tonk's lent me and I guess she didn't notice but she gave me pink PJ's and on the leg of it was a marker drawing of the initials RL + NT with a heart around it. Remus really doesn't know how much she loves him.

AWWWWWWWWW I had to add some lovey dovey fluff cause i just felt like it, so what do you think? Bad? Good? Am i doing terrible? hope not so anyway byeeeeeeeeee!

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