Last Chapter: I don't want to say goodbye

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This made me cry while writting it...Enjoy!

Ginnys POV

When we came back on Bob the others were already there with shocked and stunned expressions. We explained the bob incident and we got to keep him in the ministry in a special room. Harry told Lily through the mirror that we'll be there soon. We started to insert some ingredients in parts of the portal and the rest we made into potions to also be placed.

The portal started glowing a harsh shade of violet and Kingsley threw the fragments of the time turner. Then it started reflecting images of the kids in Grimmauld place and I saw a flash of James and Daisy snogging in what seems to be a broom closet?

The Wood's must of noticed too because several emotions flashed across their face, anger? Fury? Disgust?

Kingsley gestured for us to step in. "Once you get in you have ten minutes inside then the portal will start to close got it? I will be waiting for you here with other ministry workers."

We all nodded and Harry took my hand and we stepped in first. A weird twisty feeling passed through my stomach as we headed inside.

I stepped out into the dining area of Grimmauld place and was greeted by Lily jumping on me and hugging me tight. I started to cry I missed my children so much...even James who apparently got out of the broom closet and was sitting with Daisy holding hands. Im gong to question him later.

My past self stared in shock and as I walked by past past Ginny I gave her a wink with a goofy grin.

All the children hugged their parents and Sirius clasped future Harry on the back. Future Harry was near tears.

I looked at Teddy who was crying so much it was heart breaking. I just realized that was the first time he saw his real parents and couldn't help but cry myself but I already was.

George hugged past Fred and Past George all of whom were crying.

After exchanging a few words with the people of the past it was time to say goodbye. Teddy hugged his parents and I heard Tonks say "We will see you soon Teddy remember we will always be with you and we love you so much."

"I just wish I could've been a father to you I'm sorry Teddy"

"Don't be dad. Uncle Harry and aunt Ginny take care of me really well and I know you died for a better world for me and I love you both so much for that" Teddy was starting to break down.

The family shared one last group hug and Tonks and Remus gave me and Harry a thankful look.

It was finally time to say goodbye. But I didn't want to.

Teddy's POV

I didn't want to say goodbye. I spent so much time with my parents and learned so much about them. Now we have to erase every memory they have of me their only son.

I said goodbye and took out my wand and saw the older people do the same. We put them all to sleep and obliviated every memory of us. Harry said they would wake up after we exit this time through the flickering portal.

I looked one last time at my parents and stepped in along with the others.


I stepped out with the rest and looked back as if my parents were there. But they were not. They were dead in the future and I just had to live with it.

But I had to keep moving forward sticking to the past will only make it worse.

"Teddy and Victoire you had ONE job!"

"James what we're you doing with our daughter?!"

"We missed you all!"

And just like that we were enjoying life in the future and moving on but not forgetting the past because the past is what makes us who we are today and we should always know that there is a tommorow in everyday.

Cliché cheesy ending right? Well I thought it fit nicely. I will be making another book soon called "Harry Potter Next Generation Stuff" it will have the continuation of Teddy and Victoires relationship and Dom's and Vics. And some other cool next generation headcanony stuff so see you next time and I hope you enjoyed my story!

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