Chapter 1: Don't be so Sirius

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Lily's POV

Its all my fault! If I hadn't dropped it we wouldn't be travelling to who-knows-where! "JAMES POTTER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" I shout before we vanish

Sirius's POV

The Order of The Phoenix were gathering for a meeting when suddenly we heard a loud bang. "Wands out!" shouted Mad-Eye.

We approached a pile of scrambling kids obviously eager to get untangled from eachother.

"James your pulling on my hair!"

"Sorry Lily!" My head immediately shot up at this I looked to my left so did Remus's a look of surprise on his face.

"Lucy your sitting on me!"

"Thats not me thats Molly!"

"Rose stop hitting me!"

"Oh sorry I was trying to hit James not you Albus!"

It took a few minutes for the kids to straighten themselves out. They took a look at their surroundings and when they saw certain people their eyes seemed to sadden a bit.

"We mean no harm" said a tall blue haired boy who was hugging a little girl who had a huge resemblance to Lily and Ginny.

"How do we know for sure your not deatheaters?" growled Moody.

"Oh come on Moody they're just a bunch of kids!" said Molly.

"Grandma!" shouted a little boy with brown bushy hair who ran to Molly and hugged her tightly. Molly looked shocked at being referred to a grandma but hugged the little boy back.

Dominique's POV

We seemed to be getting nowhere so I asked "What year is it?"

"1995 why do you ask?" said a pink haired woman who I knew from what Harry told me was Tonks.

"You might not believe us but we are from the future" I said.

Looks of surprise passed between the Order members.

"Prove it" said Remus.

"Okay since we are the next generation of the Potter-Weasley clan...and Lupin" I said giving Teddy a smile as I saw a look of sadness pass across his face. "You can quiz us on whatever Harry did in his years at Hogwarts".

The kids shared looks of agreement and looked back at the Order members.

"Okay so what did Harry and Ron save Hermione from in their first year?" piped up Molly.

"A troll!" said Albus. Just then Ginny tripped and fell down the stairs into a crumpled heap on the floor. "Ginny!" Molly said immediately rushing over to help her daughter up.

"Yeah Ginny!" said Fred coming down the stairs with the others and by others i mean the whole generation before the kids.

"Were you eavesdropping?" said a very angry Arthur.

"Maybe" said George .

"What did you hear so far?" said Sirius.

"Just the part where you said you came from the future,the quiz and by the way dont be so sirius, Sirius!" said Fred.

"Okay so since Harry is here we can just spout facts about your life and you tell us whether its true or not!" said Roxanne.

"Uh Okay" said Harry

"You have a crush on Cho Chang right now!"

"Hermione went with Viktor Krum to the yule ball!

"You and Hermione used a time turner in your third year!"

Harry Potter Next-Generation: Time TravelWhere stories live. Discover now