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Daisy's POV

I went for James first because he was still staring at me I smacked my pillow into his face but he was still keeping his ground we made a rule to whoever falls down is eliminated from the game. I got tired and called a truce with James but we weren't the only ones who were making alliances. Like we predicted people made teams: Dominique, Victoire, and Teddy. Rose, Albus, and Hugo. Fred, Roxanne, Molly and Lucy. We added Lily onto our team because she was the fiercest player.

Hugo got eliminated by Lily who tackled him with her pillow constantly hitting him over the head he was fine though.

Roxanne and Victoire both fell by both of them attacking each other at the same time and Teddy got his revenge on her team by knocking Fred down. Molly and Lucy were like a power couple both taking Albus and Rose down with them.

The only people left were Lily, Dominique, Teddy, me and James.

"It's three against two." Lily stated.

"Not for long" Dominique replied who swiped her pillow underneath Lily's feet while she was still distracted. Lily fell over then walked to where the eliminated people were sitting and watched the game. I took this as a chance to whack my pillow into Dom's head and she fell. Then like Lily did got back up and watched the game.

"Look! it's a phoenix!" Teddy pointed. Damit why am I so gullible i looked to where Teddy pointed and he used this moment of distraction and hurled his pillow toward me and I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact...

But I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw James on the floor with Teddy on top of him, both pillows beside them. I put the pieces together, James must of jumped in front of me when Teddy threw the pillow pulling him down along as well.

This meant i won the game. I am the pillow fight champion! And it was all because of James.

When James got up I couldn't contain my excitement anymore I pulled him close and gave him one sweet kiss on the lips.

When I pulled away he fainted.

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