Chapter 1.

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A/n: Hey! Welcome to my fanfic! This might be more than a one shot if you guys want it to. Just leave a comment and I'll make it happen! Thanks and enjoy the story! The first chapter contains slight starco for the shippers out there!

Star Butterfly sat alone in her bedroom. She didn't want to communicate with anyone at the moment. After hearing Marco saying he underestimated her and thought she couldn't go out by herself, she felt as if everyone thought nothing of her. Her parents had sent her here because they thought she couldn't handle her wand. She knew it was for her own good, but still it hurt to know they thought less of her. Star laid there, her body side ways so she faced the wall, tears threatening to burst from her eyes. She rolled over to check the clock. 9:30pm. She had been in her room for over an hour now. Finally, after knowing the coast was clear, she rolled back over, put her hands to her face, and let the tears and light sobs slowly take her.
Meanwhile, Marco sat on the couch, watching an old rerun of Full House. He checked the clock as it ended. It was almost 10 o'clock. Star had been in her room for an hour and a half now. That was odd for both of them, knowing she usually is asking for fun and adventure. Even at this late at night, he still got worried. His parents were out for their friend's 40th birthday party and wouldn't be home for at least another hour or so. He decided to go check on Star.
As he went up the stairs, a sound that felt like a thousand knives stabbing him in the chest, got louder. A sound of someone sobbing. By the time he made it to her door, the sound had gotten louder. He slowly opened the door.
"Star? Are you okay?" Marco asked softly, waiting for a response. Star didn't respond though, she just kept her body facing the wall and the sobs loud. Marco slowly stepped into the room and shut the door slowly behind him. What would she be sad about? Did he do something to her? Was she home sick? Did something happen back in Mewni?
"S-star?" Marco slowly tapped her right shoulder and realized something. Her eyes were closed and her sobs had turned to light chokes and sniffles. She was asleep. How long had she been asleep? He touched her shoulder again but this time shook it slowly. Her eyes fluttered opened and she flinched.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to see if you were okay." Marco felt his face heat up, but slowly shrugged it off. His friend was in need right now. And that's all that mattered. Star sighed and turned towards him.
"Y-yeah...I'm alright." Marco sat next to her, putting an hand on her shoulder once more.
"Well, you don't seem to be alright. What's wrong?" Star looked down at the patterns of her bed sheets then back up at Marco.
"I-I don't know...I just feel like I'm always thought less of, you know?" Marco frowned. He knew what she meant. He shouldn't have underestimated her, let alone told her that he did.
"And where did this all come from?" He asked. She blushed and looked back down at the sheets of her bed.
"I...I guess it was when you said you...underestimated me. I just felt as if you didn't think I could do anything on my own. Like you felt I was in need of someone to help me all the time." Marco saw the tears form in her eyes again and sighed.
"Star." He started, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry about what I said. The truth is...I was scared that something was going to happen to you. I-I couldn't bare to loose you. You're my best friend." Star smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and setting her head gently onto his shoulder. They both blushed but stayed like that for a while.
"I accept your apology..." She whispered. "And you're my best friend too." Little did they know a certain floating electronic eyeball was watching them from afar. And when their was the eyeball, their was trouble.

"Would you look at this, Toffee! I think their really hitting it off!" Ludo said happily as he watched the two teenagers on the young blondes bed.
"Excellent. All as planned." Toffee smirked. "Now for our plan. I'll call someone to help us." He slowly took out a small cell phone and called a number that would start trouble for everyone. He called a certain magical princess's ex-boyfriend. A certain demon named Tom.

Hey guys!! How did you like the first chapter? I might make this a full fanfic! It's up to you guys though! Tell me if you want it to be a full fanfic! Thanks for reading!

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