Chapter 4

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A/n: Hey guys! This chapter contains starco for those of you who ship it. I can't wait until the new episode in 3 weeks! It'll be exciting and hilarious to see Marco with a beard!


"Tom? What's he doing still talking to you?" Marco's eyes widened. Star frowned, tears draining down her cheeks. "I-I don't know. He said everything I loved was going to die. I'm s-scared, Marco." Star whimpered, jumping into her friend's arms. He blushed and rubbed her back, slowly calming her down as she cried into his chest.
"Star, it's okay. He's just trying to scare you. You'll be fine." Star choked on tears and whispered.
"You're my best friend. He'll go for you first. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Star slowly pulled away, letting Marco wipe the tears off her face. She smiled at him, longing to tell him her feelings. She was just afraid of their friendship. What if it ended? What if he felt weird around her after she confessed? What if he felt so embarrassed, his family kicked her out? The thought of that made her eyes water again. Marco frowned worriedly at this.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll be fine. Nothing's going to happen. I promise." He smiled a little and hugged her again.
"I-I know." Star sighed. "It's just...." This was it. The moment. "Marco, I have to tell you something. I-I kind of-"
"We're home!" A voice yelled through the house. Soon walked in Mr. and Mrs.Diaz, carrying groceries bags from going to the store. Star sighed in both relief of not spilling her feelings then, and of sadness.
After dinner, Star and Marco decided to have a movie night. "It'll get you're mind off things" Marco had told her. Star tried to shake the thought of Tom off. So when Marco made 'triangle food' which was what Star called nachos, she finally got the thought out of her head.
"So?" She asked. "What are we watching tonight?" They were both on the couch, both of them sitting very close to one another. Marco grabbed the remote.
"It's an animal story. It's called Milo and Otis" he said and quickly pressed play. Within 20 minutes of the movie, Star had her head leaning on his shoulder, asleep. Marco chuckled a little, not wanting to wake her, and checked the clock. 11:00pm. He sighed, looking over at his young blonde princess friend sleeping soundly on the couch. She was so adorable as she slept. Though, she was adorable in general. Always happy, jumping around. Always wanting to have an adventure. Marco couldn't deny it anymore. He had a crush on Star. Period. But she'd never like him back. She was a magical princess from another dimension and he was just the safe kid from Earth. Besides, who knew when she was leaving to be queen? It could be tomorrow, or it could be a decade! Who knew? Marco sighed once more before walking over to the couch, picking Star up bridal style, waking to her room upstairs, and gently putting her to bed.

It was 2:30am, as Star's alarm clock in her room read. A loud crash had awoken her, leading her to believe there was some sort of burglar in the house. She heard footsteps running in the hallway.
"Star!" Marco screamed, running into the room. Star flinched, but kept her scream inside.
"Don't scare me like that!" Whispered, throwing a pillow at him.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"It's fine, but what was that crash?" Marco's eyes widened and his face went white.
"Ludo's back. With Tom."

I do not own Milo and Otis. It was my favorite movie as a little kid and I still love it to this day! It so adorable! My favorite part is when the little puppies and kittens meet!

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