Trying to explain "Charity"

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“What are all these flowers doing in my room? Ay, lol oh my gawsh so when did I get this small chair then? ARGH when did I get a TV for my room? Wait; wait what the heck is this? This isn’t my bed! Where Am I??” Charity thought as she explored the strange room she was in.

She has acute social anxiety. She got it when she was younger when her mom would lock her in a closet while her male visitors would come in. They were living in a 1 bedroom apartment and her mom didnt want her male friends to know she had a daughter. She would hear her mom moaning and screaming telling her friends to  "Stop" "Its too hard" "She can't handle it" and Charity thought  her mom  was in trouble and since them days she had the mindset of humans are trouble.

*Back in the strange room* She then started panicking. She started worrying more than a normal person would her thoughts were interrupted when someone walked in “Hello sweetie, you’re awake?” A Short haired woman asked to her.

 “Yes ma’am where am I?” Charity asked her.

 “You’re at George Hopkins hospital” She replied to her.

 “HUH what? when did I get here?” She said

“About a week ago, u have been unconscious since, you see, those pills you took are the worst a girl your age can take, especially since u mixed them up with various others. You are lucky you will not need dialysis.” She said to her in an angry but loving voice.

 “OMG what was I thinking? ARGH Excuse me ma’am But I DID NOT Take any tablets at all. The last thing I remember was that I was feeling all depressed, yes I was suicidal but I wasn’t ready to take my life away, yes I was thinking about doing it but I didn’t think I’d do it. All I remember is going in the bathroom I seen a drink and some scissors, so Like I was all confused after the night I had, plus I was sad and like I said feeling suicidal, so I took a LONG sip of the drink and after that I took the scissors from the sink and I started playing with them”  The nurse quickly interrupted her and said “By playing you mean cutting yourself right”

“Yeah you can call it that hehehe” She had a simple look on her face and nervously laughed

“Sweet that’s not funny but carry on” The nurse said.

“Ok well I digged it in myself deep and that’s all I remember” She said.

“So what you are telling me is that YOU did not take ANY pills at all during the night? Not even when u was out?”

She asked. “Yes, My teachers in school have taught me not to drink, drinks you didn’t buy,  especially in a club which is where I was, and the only body harm I did myself that night was to cut myself which was a very dumb thing to do” She explained. 

“Well that is weird we find, xanax, tylenol, and a whole load of Lunexor in your body. Wait here let me go get my supervisor.”

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