Fuck a Fake Friend

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Treys Perspective

"why the Fuck didn't you answer my text messages, I text you like 5 times my Nigga. Its Charity" Trey said.

Mike breathed deeply. "here we go again" he thought. I should have punished her more when I had the change "oh shit ma nigga, didn't you go see her today, I wish I could had made it" he said, every word being a lie. "she didn't show up man, something must have happened, I'm going to her house right now" he said.

"maybe you should give her space, She might be avoiding you" Mike said trying to stop his friend from inquiring. "his going to ruin everything" he thought. He new, the police would be involved very soon.

"nigga what did you just say" not believing a word that just can't from his friends mouth.

"my nigga give her space, she just came out of the hospital, she needs her rest" Mike said trying to sound sincere.

"nigga, Fuck that, she ain't getting no MF'ing rest. I need her" Trey said sounding hurt by his friends words.

"nigga you tripping" Mike hung up.

What's eating him Trey thought. His friend had been acting weird the last few weeks. He thought he was taking Charity being in hospital badly. Not knowing he was cool with the enemy. 20 mins later he arrived at Kelises house and he knocked on her door.

"Trey!! How have you been" she asked him.

"good, um my bad for popping in like this but wheres charity" he asked cutting right to the chase.

"idk, nigga wasn't she with you?" She said

"I was at the mall but she didn't show up, I thought she was here" he replied getting more worried.

"no, no, no. Call the police. This ain't a joke Ting" she said with a thick Jamaican accent.

4 hours later the police where at the house.

Linda, Charity's mother, TreVaughn, Kelis and Helen Kelises mother where all their.

"good evening guys, sorry it took us so long to get here but we had an emergency down at the force, my name is officer Rick" the room was so dark and gloomy because of everybody mood. Everybodies eye were red and puffy from all the crying they had been doing, well except for Linda. Linda was mad because they kept her from her plans tonight. She had a date.

"who's the Charitys mother" Officer Rick asked

"me" Linda replied.

"why would your Daughter run away" he asked her.

"I don't know what's won't with that girl. Just the other week she tried to kill herself" she laughed and rolled her eyes. "she's just attention seeking" she continued.

"what the hell us wrong with you Linda. That's not true officer. We have reason to believe some one tried to kill her." Helen replied, disgusted at her friend.

"yes, someone on the force spoke to her when she was in the hospital, they have reason to believe it was poisoning, too. But Linda you look a little bit too calm for someone whose daughter is missing" he asked

"wha di bloodclart, yu ah ask such a dumb question, how you know, how I react to a situation, everybody ah deal with conflict differently, honestly mi nuh cyare about dat ratid pikney, she called charity for a reason" she said matter of factly.

"what the Fuck is wrong with you" kelis,lunged at her. She started punching her, grabbing her hair, kicking her face, everybody stood up, they all had to grab Kelis off her.

"Kelis calm down hun, your not making the situation better" Trey said. "I want to Fuck her up too but that's not bringing Charity back, just chill" he said trying to reassure her.

"Linda get the Fuck out my house" Helen said angry. "what kind of mother are you. That's your daughter. Have some respect" Linda sucked her teeth and walked out the house.

"what a sick woman" officer Rick said. "don't worry guys, we will find her, she's going to be on the need tonite, nation wide. We can't lose another soul" he said as he walked out. He was determined to find her.

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