Is This Life

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Shaunie walked up to TreVuaghn and Charity and said "TreVuaghn what made you want to ask Charity out?" He gave her weird look and said "Everything about her" and smiled at Charity. Shunie laughed and said .

"Well Char" She said in a fake monotone voice. "I'm sorry to be the Evil messenger but watch this"Shaunie said. She then showed her the recoding of Mike and TreVaugn Talking about the dare. After a few moments Charity just stood their. Shook. She wouldn't believe what she heard. How can he only ask her out on for a dare? Of course Shaunie cut the good bits out the Judas.

Charity run out of the Club and got on the bus. She was going home. She crept into the the house, shedidnt want to wake her mom. She went to her room as she opened the door All of her brand new clothes where on the floor, everything she bought and cherished was completely trashed! her make up was trashed, and her toiletries where missing, she tried to look for things but she couldn't even find a pair of her new boy shorts. She didn't know what to do she unemotional walked to the bathroom She wanted to brush her teeth. She was too tired to deal with this tonight, she slowly yet cautiously walked into the bathroom and she seen some scissors next to her toothbrush cup, she thought "If I do this all I will be doing is making a permanent decision over a temporary matter but I can't go on living like this, I see no light at the end of the tunnel, I see no light, so why don't I end my life. Ive been battling depression since I was 12 years old and just when I thought it was getting better this happened." Her mind just went blank she literally wasn't thinking of anything, anyone. She just wanted to end this long ting called life. She Grabbed the scissors and tried to find her veins.......TBC Comment and Rate please

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