The rest of chapter 5

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3rd persons POV

Zayn just stood there and watched his sister knock herself unconscious. He froze while he watched his sister from the corner he was in trying to see if she would move he wanted to go check if she was okay but he couldn't it was like his feet were glued to the floor he just couldn't move or talk but he could cry and boy did he cry but who would blame him he thought his little sister was laying dead on his bedroom floor.

Meanwhile Louis was playing with Charlie down stairs when he herd a lound thump and apparently the other boys herd it to because they come into the lounge room with scared faces as they had all thought Louis had dropped Zayns niece little did they know that Zayn was crying up stairs and his sister was past out in grout of him.

The boys could here soft crying but as they walked upstairs it got louder and louder. So they barged open the door to see Zayn sobbing but not moving and Lelia on the floor past out.

Liam being the smartest got his phone out of his pocket and called 000(or what ever the emergency number in England is) and explained it all to the doctor he got down on his knees to check if there was a pulse like the doctor said, after finding out there was and telling the doctor that he hang up knowing there was an ambulance on its way and went over to comfort Zayn.

By the time the ambulance was here Zayn had calmed down after finding out she wasn't dead and was now holding little Charlie who was asleep. Liam was talking to the ambulance guy about what hospital he was going to take Lelia to so he could take Zayn and the rest of the guys there after the ambulance had left. Harry was in shock as he had never seen Zayn cry like that or Zayn cry at all so he was Sitting on the porch steps waiting for Liam to tell him what to do and trying to process what had just happen. Niall was Nervous he hated hospital with a passion he was also sitting on the front porch next to Harry but Harry hadn't notice him. Louis was pacing even though he hadn't had a conversation with Lelia he still thought she was a nice girl and a brave and strong one as she had raised a 2 year old girl by herself and go through pregnancy by herself, so he was nervous about her and was scared that she would be alright. Little did Louis know that he was growing a crush on Lelia.


Okay guys here's the rest of chapter 5 I'm sorry it short still but at least there getting longer I guess :/ anyway yer pls vote and tell me what you thought in the comments :D

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