At The Beach

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Zendaya POV

Woah okay why I'm I imaging that I'm kissing Trevor right now.

" yes, just give me a sec" I replied.

"alright " he says.

Omg, I think I'm starting to have having feelings for Trevor now. My hearts starts to race. I run up to my bathroom passing Trevor. I pace myself back and forth in the bathroom. What is going on with me? Trevor is my best friend. I mean we have talked about dating before, but it just never worked out.

There was a knock on the door. I quickly have a sit on the toilet.

"everything okay in there?" Trevor ask.

" yes" I say to quickly.

I can't even look this boy in the eye. I'm just going to think he is just a jerk and don't like him.

I take in deep breath in. And open the door.

" ready" I say.


Trevor POV

I don't know what's going on with Zendaya but she been acting a little weird.

We're now at the beach and just chilling.

" hey, everything alright you've acting a little bit weird lately" I say to Zendaya.

"yes, what do you mean?" she says.

" I don't know, never mind " I said.

I glance at Zendaya and she's looking up at the sky. I can't stop glancing at her. She's just so beautiful. The truth is I always had a crush on her since we were like thirteen.

I never had the courage to tell her that because I don't think she thinks of me like that.

" I'm going to go in the water, wanna come?" I asked holding my hand out for her to grab it.

"sure" she smiles grabbing my hand.

She takes her cover up off, which shows her bikini. I couldn't breath at that point. She was so curvy and had a nice flat stomach. It also showed her cleavage a little. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"race you to the water" she says.

" okay" I said.

"go!" she screams and take of running.

I run after and in the water.

We played around for a little and we were just chilling in the water.

"stop!" Zendaya yells.

"stop what?" I asked confused.

"touching my foot" she says.

I throw my hand up now defense to prove that it's not me touching her foot.

Her face turns from serious to blank. We both run out the water screaming and yelling. Luckily it was just us on the beach. We get out the water and laugh our butts off.

After 10 minutes on the sand laughing we have the courage to speak again.

"it really wasn't you touching me? " she asked.

"swear" I say.

She giggles some more.

"hey Zendaya can I tell you something?" I ask her getting a little nervous.

I'm ready to confess how I really feel about her.

"anything" she says.

" I..... um" I try to say but I'm a little nervous.

"come on spit it out" she says.

" I really like you, like really like you, ever since we were thirteen, I love your personality, your gorgeous, nice, funny, everything I would want in a girl" I say and take a deep breath relieved to get it all out.

"your so funny boy, stop playing" she says.

I give her a serious look.

"I.... Just don't think of you like that your mine best friend, I don't what to mess up the relationship we have already " she says.

I'm in complete shock. I'm was beyond pissed, I just told this girl how I feel about her, and all she has to say is that.

"I think I need to leave" I said getting up and grabbing my stuff.

" Trevor wait" she says.

I ignore her and run off.


Zendaya POV

Trevor left me in complete shock. What was I thinking. I should've told him how I feel about him too.

I put my face in my hand and cried. I felt so bad, I'm a bad person I keep telling myself.

I cried there in the sand for like 20 minutes which felt like hours. I finally get up and grab my things. I walk to my house, which was five minutes away.

When I reach there I put my things on the kitchen counter besides my phone. I walk up stairs to my room and lay down on my bed and try to call trevor.
Just like I thought he didn't answer. I decide to text him.

I need to talk to you - trevor.

Please just call me back - trevor.

I threw my phone on the bed. And lay on my back. I think of different things I can say to him to apologize to him.

Halfway through my thoughts, I hear my parents call me.

" zendaya come down stairs we have good news! " my Dad says.

"coming" I yell back down.

I run to my bathroom and wash off the dry tears and change my bathing suit into my house clothes. I run down stairs to see my parents sitting down at the table.

" have a sit" my mom says.

I take a sit.

"your dad and I just had a meeting with your Manger and some producers, and they were thinking of having a show about you on Disney Channel " my mom explains.

" cool" I say.

" is everything okay, you don't seem that excited " my dad says.

" no. I'm really happy, I'm just not feeling myself lately " I say.

" well. We have a meeting with them tomorrow in the morning " my mom says.

" okay, that sounds great " I say.

"good, now what's for dinner " my mom says.

" I'm feeling Chinese food" my dad says.

I nod my head in agreement.
My mom goes order some Chinese.

After 30 minutes the food gets here. My parents go over to the table to eat.

"I'm going to eat in my room, I'm having a little headache "I say.

" okay, well I hope you feel better " my mom says.

" me too" I say and walk up to my room.

I eat my food while I catch up on the current walking dead season. Ugh I always watch this show with Trevor. After thinking about Trevor I soon fall asleep after.

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