Here I Come

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Zendaya POV

I'm pregnant. How the hell can that be. I don't understand.

"are you sure?" I ask the doctor.

"yeah, here are the results" she said giving me a paper.

I look at the paper carefully. It's true.

"do you know how long, I am?" I said holding back tears.

"yeah your a week and a half" the doctor said.

"ok" I said getting up off the bed.

"are you ready, to leave?" Zink asked.

"yeah" I said.

Zink and I left the hospital room and was now in the elevator. It was quiet the whole time, until Zink spoke up.

"is Trevor the dad?" she asked.

"Zink, I never did anything with anybody....... I'm still a Virgin" I said.

Zink didn't respond. What could she say. None of this makes sense. Should I keep the baby? This is going to mess up my career. I'm only 19 years old. People are going to judge me especially at such a young age. I'm not ready to take on such a huge responsibility.

We were about to walk out the elevator door but Trevor bump into me.

"what took you guys so long, I started to worry" Trevor said.

"nothing, I'm just ready to go" I said walking pass Trevor.

I hurried out to the car before I got a emotional break down. Something happened a week and half ago, but I don't remember at all. Maybe I did something with Trevor and I don't remember.

I open the car door and sat down next to Tyla.

"is everything alright? We saw Jacob go in the hospital" Tyla said.

"yeah I know" I said.

Trevor and Zink came in the car.

"does your ankle still hurt" Deja asked Zink.

"no, the lady numb it" Zink said.

"what's the plan now?" Trevor asked Josh.

"we drive back to California and start from there" Josh said.

Josh puts on his GPS and puts the location to California. Josh stops at a gas station to fill up his tank. While the rest of us gets snacks.

When everyone gets what they want we stand at the cash register. While the others only brought like 6 snacks and a drink, I brought 16 snacks and 5 drinks.

"girl are you trying to get fat?" Deja said laughing.

I laughed along but it was more of a nervous laughter.

Josh came in and pick up a few snacks and paid for everything. I kinda felt bad for him paying for all of my food but is seemed like he didn't mind. I mean he did have a case filled with money.

As soon as we got into the car I was the first one to rip open a bag of chips and start eating.

"someone is hungry" Trevor said looking at me in the rear view mirror.

I smiled at him. I am hungry. It feels like I haven't ate in a couple of weeks. I still can't get over the fact that I'm pregnant. I need to talk to Trevor about this. Maybe we did do something and I don't remember. How can I forget.

Wait a minute. The doctor said I was a week and a half pregnant. The day I ran way and went to that party with Tyla was on the 19th. So we've been in that van for a week. Something happened within the time we spent in the van. I thought Tyla, Zink, Deja and I was in the van for only like a day. It felt like a couple of hours.

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