The Army

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It's been a few years since my mother died that winter. I'm twenty-three now. World War Two is beginning all the boys are joining the army. Bucky was accepted a little while ago and has already completed training. He came and told me earlier that he was going to war. Steve keeps trying but is refused again and again. He tells me he just wants to help out in the war effort like everyone else but I think it's just to get away from me. I try to avoid him as much as I can while we are in the house but it makes it hard when I can't cook on my own. The door to my room opens and I hear footsteps before the bed sinks beside me.

"Hey, Annabelle. How are you?"

"I'm fine," I whisper.

He sets the food down on my side table and grabs my hand. "Why have you been so quiet lately?" he asks. "You stay in here all day and hardly speak to me anymore so don't try and lie."

"You keep trying to get into the army. I feel like you're trying to get away from me so you don't have to take care of me. What'll happen when you go away?" I ask him.

His arms wrap around me. "Never. I would never leave you here if I didn't have faith you'd be alright. I already ask Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and they said they'd take care of you until I got back. I feel like I'm useless here. I want to help out like every other man on the block. I promise you." He pauses and holds my face. "I promise you, I am not trying to get away from you. I have thought through everything in case I am accepted. Mrs. Barnes even said she'd help you write letters to me and read letters to you so we can stay in contact."

I smile and try to wrap him in a hug. I miss horribly and we both laugh. We hug and as we pull away, he wipes away a couple of tears that fell down my cheeks. "I'm sorry. I feel so paranoid now."

"It's alright. You were just worried. I would be too if I were in your position. Especially with how hard I've been trying to get into the army."

"Thank you." I tell him. I lean into him and he rubs my back. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I know I can be a pain sometimes because of my blindness but you've stuck it out with me. I love you."

"You will never be a pain or a burden or anything like that. You have been the best part of my life. The most important thing for anybody is family. No matter what, we will stick together. Do you get that?" he insists.

I nod. "Yeah, I understand. Sometimes, I feel like I'm nothing, an invalid. I can't really do anything alone because I can't see. I just wish I could see."

"I know you do. It's not your fault. You have never and will never be an invalid to me. You do everything you can to help out with everything here. I am so proud of everything you can do even with your challenges. I always will be."

"Thank you, for being my brother," I tell him. "The best brother in the world."

"We're with you 'til the end of the line," Bucky says. I jump and turn to the voice.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"A few minutes ago. I came to check on you two and make sure Steve was ready."

"Ready for what?"

"He didn't tell you?" Steve sighs as Bucky comes closer. "I set us both up with dates. We're going to the Stark Expo later tonight with them."

"Can you bring me back something?" I ask, excited.

"Of course we will," Steve buds in. "We better be heading out. I'll see you later, Annabelle."

"See you later. Have fun!" I say in return. They leave and I hear the doors lock. I take a quick shower before climbing into bed and turning on the radio. I sit there and listen to it for a few hours before I hear the door open and quickly slam shut. I jump and pull the covers over me.

"Annabelle? Where are you?" Steve calls.

I sigh in relief and pull the covers down. "I'm up in my room." My door opens and Steve sits on the bed. "You scared me half to death! You've never slammed the door before. I thought someone crazy had come in."

"I got in!" Steve cries, hugging me as I sit up. "I've been accepted into the army!"

"Steve, that's great!" I encourage. "Congratulations. I knew you could do it!"

He pulls away and kisses my forehead. I yawn and he laughs. "Why aren't you already asleep?"

"I wanted to make sure you got back alright and that I wasn't here alone, asleep."

"I'll tell you all about getting in tomorrow. Why don't you get some shut eye for now?" I yawn and nod. Steve pulls the blankets up and I fall asleep, peacefully.

The next day, Steve is up early. I smile and walk to the kitchen where Steve is making breakfast. "So, you promised to tell me about your acceptance?"

"Right. I tried to get in last night and this time, I was accepted because of my persistence!" Steve says.

He stays silent for a while and I feel something wrong. "What's wrong?"

"I'll be leaving tonight for training." I hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry to leave you alone so soon. I had hoped I would have more time."

"It's alright. You need to follow your dreams. I'll be fine with the Barnes' until you get back. Now come on, you get to help me pack up." Steve laughs and we all head to my room after breakfast. He packs my stuff in a bag and sets it next to the door.


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