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          It's been a few months since Hydra has started helping me. I'm kind of interested. Charlotte tells me all the time about a scepter they brought in. They have started running test on it and say they are trying to give people powers. I finally get to meet the man who has been helping me behind the scenes. Charlotte is taking me there now. We walk into a room and it feels different than it did before.

"I see Annabelle is here," A man says, his accent strong. "My name is Baron Von Strucker."

"I hear you're the man who saved me. Thank you."

"My pleasure, my dear. How are you?" he asks.

"I feel great. You and everyone here has been so helpful and kind to me and even helping me with my disability," I reply. "I've heard about some work you've been doing with a scepter. May I ask what you are hoping to accomplish?"

"We hope to give powers to people to make them stronger. We don't have anyone willing to perform the experiment. Why?"

"I'd like to volunteer."

I can hear the surprise in his voice. "Really?" he asks. "Well, this just works out perfectly. Let's talk to the doctor in charge and see if you are allowed to." I smile. He grabs my hand and leads me down the hallways towards a lab.

"Hello Annabelle. What are you doing here?" the doctor asks.

"I wish to volunteer for the experiment concerning the scepter," I tell him. "Am I able to do it?"

"Sit here," he leads me to a table and I sit on it. He inspects me and looks through my charts. "I think you could be a very promising candidate. Are you sure you'd like to do this?"

I nod. "I have no doubt. When do we start?"

"We can start tomorrow morning. It will be hard work but I think you could do it. Get plenty of rest until then."

"Yes sir," I reply. Strucker takes my hand as I stand up and leads me to my room.

"Why did you volunteer?" Strucker asks.

I smile, fondly. "You have all done so much for me. I want to help you as much as I can even though it may not be much. You need someone to help you scientifically, I'll do my best. I trust you to make the procedure as safe as you can."

"You get some rest. We'll begin tomorrow, early in the morning." I nod and he leaves me.

The next morning, someone comes and brings me back to the lab. I'm laid on the table after I change into a plain, baggy, clothes and given a shot. Everything gets fuzzy in my head and I am soon asleep.

When I wake up, I'm in a different room. I sit up slowly and feel around. I'm in a box, completely enclosed. "Hello?" I scream. I hear clattering outside of the box. "Hello?!" I try again.

"Hey Annabelle. Calm down," Charlotte says. She yawns and I hear her tap the glass. I crawl over to her. "Don't worry. You're fine. The experiment worked."

"Why am I in here? Why aren't I in my room?"

"We have to keep you in there until you learn to control your powers. A few hours after the experiment was finished, your powers lashed out when they tried to get a blood sample." I touch the glass and I feel it become cold.

"Ice?" I ask, quietly.


"I can control ice?"

"It's actually all forms of water but mainly ice. We've seen you turn invisible."

"Do you know how to control these abilities?" I ask, hesitantly.

"No one here does. You're the only one to get them. I know you can figure it out. As soon as your powers are controllable, you will be able to leave the room. Until then, you are a danger to anyone near you. I'm sorry. We can still talk through the glass."

I put a smile on my face and stand up. "Looks like I'll just have to work hard."

She lets out a chuckle. "I'll come by whenever I can and bring you some food, too. I'll see you later."

"Bye." I hear the door close and I stand up.

I spend hours practicing and am starting to get the hang of my powers. They're really hard to control but I can use them. Day after day, month after month, I get better and better. Soon, I have complete control over them. Charlotte comes by each day and helps me with my invisibility. I found I can even sense where people are within a close range. Finally, Charlotte comes and I hear a different set of tumblers. "Charlotte? What are you doing?"

"The doctors and Strucker have agreed that you're not a danger to anyone and have allowed you to come out." I gasp and smile. "Strucker has even called in the best soldier from Hydra to train you. If anyone can train you in weapons and close combat, it's him. They call him the Winter Soldier. He'll be here soon if not already. Let's get you down to the training center."


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