The Twins

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I walk through the halls, excited. I get to meet the newest enhanced. I am going to be aiding in their training. They're twins like I was. The boy has speed and enhanced metabolism while the girl has mental manipulation and telekinesis. Charlotte is leading me towards the room that I was kept in when I first went through the experiment. I hear the door open and as we walk in, something slams into a wall. I jump and turn towards the noise. Charlotte leans closer. "Don't worry, they can't see you. They won't know you're blind yet. You can become friends with them."

I smile and walk forward. "Hello there," I call.

"Who is there? Why can we not see you?" The girl asks.

"My name is Annabelle Rogers. I am here to help you control your powers. You can't see me because of this barrier between us. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"How would you know how to control our powers?" the boy asks. "We are the only two to survive the process."

"You're wrong. I was the first to be an experiment and I survived. I can teach you how to control it and how to get out of that stupid box. It's a lot of hard work but you will eventually get there. What are your names?" They both stay quiet. "Well, anyway, how has practicing with your powers been going."

They are quiet for a while before the boy speaks up. "I keep running into wall. My sister has managed to play with the blocks. What do you suggest?" he asks.

"Well, with my powers, I could use them but they were strongly connected to emotions. It's probably the same for your sister. Control the emotions and control over your powers will be greatly improved. For you, I'd say you should not control it. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Let your powers come to you let them free instead of trying to control it so much." He is silent and I sigh. "You're very noisy at night, running into all of those walls. You're trying to restraint it too much. Let it come naturally."

I hear him take a deep breath. The bed creaks as he stands up and he runs around the room, doing three laps before running into the wall. "How did you know?" he asks, groaning as he stands back up. "How do you know how to control our powers?"

"I told you, I was the first to get powers. I spent months practicing and stuck in this room because I couldn't control my powers." Charlotte walks over and tells me she's leaving. I nod and turn my attention back to the twins. "I can control ice and turn invisible."

"Can you show us?" the boy asks. I smile and place my hands on the glass. Ice grows on the other side in small spikes. The boy comes up and feel in. "Amazing."

"Wanda," the girl says.

"What?" I ask.

"My name. It's Wanda. His is Pietro. We're twins." I let in a gasp and I try to stifle it. "What?" she asks.

A tear slides down my cheek. "I had a brother too. A twin, in fact. He was older than me."

"I'm sorry. What happened to him?" Pietro asks.

I take a deep breath. "He died. In World War II."

"You're lying," Pietro scoffs. "That's not possible."

"It is."

"How?" Wanda says.

"I was taken from the family I was staying with while he was at war and taken away. They froze me. Eventually Hydra found me and unfroze me and here I am. Now I need to find a reason to be here. Everyone I knew and cared for is dead." I wipe away my tears and sigh. "Anyway do you want my help or not. You decide how long you stay locked up."

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