Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My eyes snapped open and I jerked awake.  Regaining my surroundings, I realized I was lying on the cold ground, not covered by any blanket and pretty far away from Mekka.  He appeared to be still asleep under the blankets.  I shivered from being cold so long and moved back under the blankets where Mekka was keeping it warm.  He turned toward me slowly, groggy from sleep.

“You okay?” he asked

“Yeah, just rolled out of bed,”

“How do you manage to fall out of bed when we’re sleeping on the ground?” he laughed

I scowled, “I must be very talented then,” I said, “You don’t seem to be very good at it though,” I poked him in the ribs and he squirmed away.

The sound of movement from further away caught our attention and we sat up to see what was going on.  The majority of the camp was standing in the middle, looking up at the dawning sky.  I looked up and saw shadows flying at us from far away.  As they got closer I saw that it was Serafim and two other dragons which were preparing to land nearby.  The two dragons which landed on either side of him were not any that I had seen before.  They had intricate markings, bright blue tattoo-like lines that swirled in and out with an interlocking pattern.  The larger of the two who held an authoritative gaze was white, while his smaller companion was a dark gold with the same color of markings.  They looked almost tribal, but that only gave them a dangerous edge.  Unlike Serafim, they were ridden by two young men; one who looked like he was Mekka’s age and one who was probably a few years older.  Both dismounted and moved toward us.  The younger one had short jet black hair and crisp blue eyes.  His square jaw gave a hardness to his face that was very becoming.  The other had golden brown eyes and semi long hair to match, but he had a swagger that said “I’m arrogant and invincible.”  Both were well muscled and fit.   The older of the two approached and looked both of us up and down.  

“Hello, peasant boy, we’re looking for your leaders,” he said snobbily, addressing Mekka.  

Mekka’s jaw tightened visibly and I could tell he was ready for a fight.  But that would be giving him what he wanted, and I wasn’t going to answer his technical question.  If we did that, he would have the upper hand.  I gave Mekka a look that told him to let me handle this one and sized up the newcomers.  I noticed that they were very different in what they wore.  The snob was dressed richly while the other wore no better clothing than Mekka did.  I took a step forward now and held my stance with the brat.  

“Hello, little snot, if you want something you’re going to have to ask for it,” I said.  

He looked very taken aback and his face turned red with anger.  

“W-what did you just say?  Do you know who I am-” he sputtered

“No, and I’m not sure I want to, but you’re going to tell me anyway, aren’t you?” I cut in

“I’m the prince of the Fire Realm!  You have no right to speak to me that way!” he continued angrily.

I crossed my arms and did what one of my tutors had called ‘hippage.’  The companion who had been silent the whole time glared at him and rolled his eyes as he ranted.  The look said that this was nothing out of the ordinary.  Eventually the companion slapped a firm hand over his mouth and started talking in his place.  

“I’m so sorry, he doesn’t usually act this way,” he said sarcastically, more of a formality than actual truth, “His name is Aylec Silving.  I’m Jase Condrey, his protector, companion, and faithful servant,” he said, ending with a bow.  

    I followed his stiff formality and curtsied.

“I am Callie Gray, the princess of the Mountain Realm,” Aylec’s face changed to shock and instant regret, “and this is my... friend and... loyal servant... Mekka Thorne,” I finished hesitantly.  I could feel him fuming beside me.  He was no servant, and he knew that.  But what else was I supposed to say? I wasn’t going to just admit that he loved me.  Especially when I wasn’t sure if I loved him back.  I smiled at him to cover up my knowledge at his anger.  He glowered at me.  

Aylec opened his mouth again to say something but Jase cut him off with a glare.  

    “We are very happy to make your acquaintance,” he said dramatically, “Now, we would very much like to see your leaders.  Would you mind pointing us in the right direction?”  

    I nodded and led the way toward where my parents had set up their own camp.  The whole way there I could feel Mekka’s smoldering eyes on the back of my neck as he stayed behind.  I approached the small tent where my parents had camped for the night and gently pushed the flap aside to poke my head in.  

    “What is it, Callie?” My father asked

“Serafim has returned with two Fire Realm dragons and their riders.  They wish to speak with you.”

    “Show them in.”

I pushed the flap open widely and gestured inside.  Jase nodded his thanks and crouched inside the small tent.  When Aylec approached to do the same I stepped in his way.

“Keep in mind, this is the Queen you will be talking to,” I glared with warning.

Pushing him back a step with two fingers to his chest I did not hold the flap open for him, and walked away.  The arrogant prince was left standing there, guiltily pale-faced and finally put in his place; by a girl.

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