Chapter 1

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Katsumi POV


People do it when they want to exercise or for competitions.....

They even do it just for fun because they enjoy it....


I do it because my life depends on it.

Right now I'm running for my life. Its been at least 2 days now, I've only stopped once or twice, but I couldn't stop, I wont stop. After what happened to my village, I don't think I can stop, not until I know its safe. What happened 2 days ago is still freshly engraved in my mind.


I was in my room for an hour now after being grounded for pulling a prank on one of the clan elders. Mother scolded me about respecting the elders and that I should have more manners because I'm the princess of the clan. Honestly, its like she doesn't know me. Those rude old geezers are always criticizing and disrespecting people, especially me. They believe just because they're the village elders they automatically get respect. I don't care who the person is, if they don't respect me, why should I respect them? And as for my manners, I have them, I just choose not to use them.

I huffed, bored out of my mind. I stare at the ceiling thinking of taking a nap, when I heard the most blood curling scream that would give me nightmares for the rest of my life. I looked out my window and stared in horror. Villagers and my clan members dying left and right.

I was about to jump out the window to go help, when someone grabbed me. I was going to attack them when I realized it was my father. He was bloody and bruised with his kekkei genkai activated, so his white hair stained with blood. I noticed that his right eye was bleeding.

"Father!!! Are you alright?" I yelled moving closer to him, looking at his wounds.

"Never mind me, you're more important right now." He said calmly yet tired.

"But father you'll die if I don't closes your wounds!!" I yelled desperate to stop the bleeding.

I've always been a daddy's girl. My mother and I are exactly the same so we tend to fight constantly. That's why I always prefer to be with my father. His eyes soften when he saw the desperation I had but he did not let me attend to his wounds.

"I know..."He said softly.

"Father, what's going on?" I asked, tears threatening to spill.

"We're under attacked by ninjas, and they're after you" He said in a serious tone.

"So everyone is dying because of me? This is all my fault" I start crying, guilty for everyone who died because of me.

"NO,NO,NO!!! Listen to me Katsumi, this is not your fault. When those ninja came, they tired to make a deal with us. We give you up to them, and they'll give us power and spare us our lives. Everyone refused and right now they're fighting to protect their precious princess. They're fighting to protect you..." He said hugging trying to calm me down.

"But why me?...Why are they after me?" I couldn't help but ask, this is all happening because they want me.

"Because you are the most powerful Takeshi out of all us, even past generations. Your chakara levels rivals those of a tailed beast, which has never happened before and they wish to use you as a weapon." I stare at my father in shock. But in a way, it makes sense.

I've always felt different from everyone in my clan and whenever I become angry, the clan members cower in fear. Even in general they cower in fear from me, they try to hid it but I always noticed. I just never asked why. But there are some, maybe one or two members, who give me hateful glares. It makes sense, I have power that rivals a tailed beast, perfected reason to be feared and hated. And now people are dying for that same power, to either take it or protect it.

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