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Okay, so this Fan Fiction is AMAZING! It's basically TFIOS (The Fault In Our Stars) but with Jean and Marco as Agustus and Hazel. I can tell you that I bawled my eyes out at least three times for this one, but I laughed many more times. It's a very intense fan-fix so... IM WARNING YOU MAJOR TRAGEDY!  








Works inspired by this one:

Nebulas by 24bookworm68




From the best-selling author of The Infinity Vault comes a long-awaited memoir, detailing a story of love and loss, of learning who you are, and of realizing that you are nothing until you're someone's something. ||THIS IS THE SUMMERY FOR PART TWO OF THE OBLIVION SERIES. I have not read this one not is it finished NOT FINISHED!




You can find this at:  SEE COMMENTS

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