Chapter 5 (full chapter)

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"T... Please?" Fazer begs and Tulisa wipes the tears off her cheeks. "Okay... Okay I won't go through with this yet! But I need time to think about what I'm going to do." She says and he wraps his arms around her. "Thank you!" He says and she pulls away from him. "I'm not promising I won't come back next week and go through with it!" She replies standing up. She goes over to the reception and explains that she's changed their mind. She gets in her car and Fazer gets in his. But instead of driving back to Fazer's she drives to her house. She gets out the car and watches as Fazer gets out his. "Faze... I said I need time." She says and he nods his head. "Alright, I just thought you might want to talk things through." He replies. "I just want to sleep just now to be honest. I'll phone you later." She says and hugs him.

In Newcastle.

Danny's just arrived at training. He's been trying to contact Tulisa all night but has had no luck. He sits down on the bench and looks at the photo on his lock screen. Its of him and Tulisa pulling silly faces. He's got his face all screwed up and she's sticking her tongue out. Thinking back makes him realise just how distant they've become... They used to take silly pictures all the time now it seems like she can't bear to be around him. Somethings bothering her and he's determined to get to the bottom of it!

At Tulisa's

Tulisa is lying in bed with tears streaming down her cheeks as she reaches her hands down to her stomach. Truth is she badly wants to be a mum. But she can't stand the fact that she cheated on the man who loves her so much! Danny made her feel special and like a princess, the way she's wanted to feel ever since she was a little girl... So why wasn't that good enough for her?

At Fazer's

Fazer's just got home to find his little brother Lewis sitting outside his door. "Ey! Faze, where ya been?" Lewis asks. "Umm it doesn't matter." Fazer replies wiping his eyes. "Speak to me." Lewis says and Fazer sighs. "I got T pregnant." He says while opening the front door. "You what?" Lewis asks as they walk inside. "I got her pregnant..." Fazer replies sitting down on the sofa. "How could you be so fucking stupid!" Lewis shouts. "Well it might not be my baby actually. It might be Danny's." Fazer says. "Well clearly considering that's her fucking boyfriend!" Lewis shouts. "Leave it!" Fazer says.

At Tulisa's.

Walking into the kitchen Tulisa picks up her phone and dials Gareth's number.

Gareth : Hello?

Tulisa : GG, I'm sorry!

Gareth : Its fine T.

Tulisa : No its not, I was a complete bitch to you this morning and it wasn't fair.

Gareth : Honestly its fine... All is forgotten. Are you alright?

Tulisa : If you mean did I go through with it then no. I didn't, Fazer turned up.

Gareth : Oh...

Tulisa : That doesn't mean I won't though!

Gareth : Okay... Want me to come over for a bit?

Tulisa : Yes please!

Gareth : Okay... I'll be 20 minutes.

Tulisa : Thank you!

Tulisa hangs up and places her phone on the table. She grabs a bag of butterkist popcorn out the cupboard and pours it into a bowl. She places the bowl on the living room table and goes back into the kitchen. She grabs a bottle of wine out the fridge and gets a bottle of lucozade. She grabs a glass and carries them out to the living. About 5 minutes later Gareth arrives, Tulisa let's him in and he looks at the wine. "Umm... Are you forgetting something T?" He asks. "Chill... The wine is for you, I'm on lucozade!" She replies. "Good!" He says. They sit down and begin to watch a movie. About half way through Tulisa stands up to go to the bathroom. She gets halfway upstairs before getting an excruciating pain in her stomach. "ARGH!" She screams clutching her stomach. "T?" Gareth shouts and she takes a deep breath. "I-I'm fine." She stutters and continues walking to the bathroom. She gets to the bathroom and sits down on the edge of the bath while rubbing her stomach. "What you doing in there little one..." She whispers.

Downstairs Gareth is sitting stuffing his face with popcorn when he hears Tulisa screaming for the second time. This time he gets off the sofa and rushes upstairs to see her clinging onto the sink. "T? What's wrong?" He asks. "I-It hurts!" She cries. "Okay... Let's get you to the hospital and get checked out yeah?" He asks and she nods her head. She clings onto him and he helps her downstairs. "Alright, sit down darling. I'll put your shoes on." He says helping her sit down on the sofa. "Get Danny!" She whimpers. "What?" Gareth asks. "Danny! I want Danny!" She cries. "He's in Newcastle." Gareth says. "I don't care! Phone him please!" She sobs. Gareth dials Danny's number and hands Tulisa the phone, he answers almost straight away.

Danny : Hello?

Tulisa : Dan! I need you!

Danny : Baby what's wrong?

Tulisa : I-I'm pregnant and I'm in so much pain... Come home please?

Danny : Okay I'll get the next train... Get G to take you to the hospital.

Tulisa : Hurry!

Danny : Will do... See you soon.

Tulisa : I love you!

Danny : Love you too baby...

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