Chapter 8 (full chapter)

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A few days later Danny's arranged to go back to the house to get the rest of his stuff and talk with Tulisa. She's sitting on the sofa with a duvet over her legs when he opens the door and walks in. "Its just me." He shouts walking into the living room. "Okay." She croaks. "What's up?" He asks seeing her lying on the sofa. "Nothing... I'm fine." She whispers. "No your not T... What's wrong?" He asks. "Okay, I've been up all night being sick but I'm fine." She replies. "Have you ate?" He asks and she shakes her head. "I'll make you some toast." He says. "You don't have to." She replies. "Look T, your pregnant, you need to eat." He says walking into the kitchen. She sighs slightly and brings the duvet further up over her. She could argue with him that's she's fine and just wants to talk, but in reality she's starving and would really like some toast. After 10/15 minutes Danny comes walking out the kitchen carrying a plate of toast and glass of water. "Here you go." He says placing it down infront of Tulisa. She smiles slightly and sits up a bit. "Thank you." She says quietly and starts nibbling on the toast. By the time she's finished Danny's tidied the house up at bit. "You alright now?" He asks and she nods her head. "Yeah. Can we talk now?" She asks. "Of course." He replies sitting down across from her. "I'm sorry T... I'm sorry if I didn't make you feel loved and I'm sorry if I didn't treat you the way you deserved." Danny says and a tear falls down Tulisa's cheek. "Its not like that Danny. Your amazing and you've treated me like a princess." She says wiping her eyes. "So what was it then? Was I not enough for you?" He asks as tears begin to form in his eyes. "I'm sorry. After we lost the baby and I didn't have anyone to talk to about it because no one knew and I didn't wanna upset you. Then you suggested trying for a baby and I didn't want to but I wanted to make you happy so I agreed but didn't come off the pill." She replies not looking at Danny. "So I pushed you away is that what your saying?" He asks. "No... This wasn't your fault. It was all me!" She replies. "I gave up everything for you T. I moved from Newcastle, I was change teams. I even let you look after Skye even when it pissed Stephanie off!" He says. "I'm sorry." She sobs and he shakes his head. "I loved you so much!" He cries. "And I loved you!" She says and he sighs. "Just not enough." He says standing up. "Look I'm just gonna grab the rest of my stuff then I'll be gone." He says walking upstairs. He gathers all his stuff and walks downstairs to see Tulisa sitting on the sofa with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She sobs and he walks over to her. He drops his bag and wraps his arms around her. "I'm always gonna be here if you need me. I'm only a phone call away." He says gently rubbing her back. She sniffs as he lets go of her and smiles weakly. "Bye T." He says before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

A couple of hours later Tulisa's got dressed in a black and red adidas tracksuit with black and red bow hightops. She puts her hair up in a messy bun and puts a thin layer of makeup on before leaving the house and going to the studio. When she gets there Dappy and Fazer are already inside, they've recently agreed to an N-Dubz reunion and this is their first day in the studio together, Dappy has no idea about Tulisa and Fazer being together. "Hey T... You alright?" Dappy asks hugging her. "Mmhmm..." She replies hugging him back. After a few minutes he lets her go and she smiles. "Hey Faze..." She says sitting down. "Hey T." He replies and they all begin to talk about what they're gonna do.

In Newcastle.

Danny's just stepped off the plane in Newcastle and his ex Stephanie is waiting on him with Skye. "Hey sweetheart!" Danny says scooping Skye into his arms. "Dada!" Skye shouts cuddling into him. "How was it?" Stephanie asks and Danny sighs. "Terrible." He replies. Recently Danny and Stephanie have got along a lot better. When they first split and Danny started dating Tulisa they were constantly arguing but they've worked things out and have realised that they can be friends without anything more. "So what happens now?" Stephanie asks. "Well I'm going to be staying down here if that's what your asking." Danny replies placing Skye back on the ground. He holds her hand as they walk towards Stephanie's car. Stephanie drives Danny home and lets him have Skye for the night.

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